Example sentences of "it [be] suggest that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It is suggested that Professor Smith 's approach to the definition of menaces in the crime of blackmail is equally appropriate in this context .
2 It is suggested that Olugboja is unlikely to become a complainant 's charter .
3 It is suggested that NSAIDs cause immediate cellular damage during drug absorption perhaps by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation .
4 It is also recognised that having a single contact person within the Exchequer Division to deal with travel agents is good practice and therefore it is suggested that Carole Ann Johnston , Admin Assistant arrange all travel and overnight accommodation when required .
5 It is suggested that Holywell 's Spring Gardens schoolroom , which dates back to 1877 , should be re-erected in the park for the purpose .
6 During the takeover battle , it was suggested that Cadbury Schweppes should act as a white knight to Rowntree , in order to form a strong British company able to compete effectively with the Swiss .
7 If the pitch does n't come upto scratch it was suggested that Elland Rd might lose out to St James Park .
8 However , on timing it was suggested that September/October would be the best time to build the pressure , with the expectation of an autumn budget statement at the end of November .
9 In 1933 it was suggested that Mosley should visit the new German leader , Adolf Hitler , and discuss with him the future of Fascism in Britain .
10 Although it is realised that many of those teaching in London are also associated with outer counties it was suggested that London teachers might consider taking responsibility for this year 's Reunion .
11 When it was suggested that Bill Pertwee might be a useful addition to the cast , Ken was consulted and took part in the audition , such as it was .
12 It was suggested that Ken Lawson might be asked to write an article on Group Relations and that a report might be given of a course in Grangemouth on ‘ Creative Listening ’ .
13 The purchaser of Caliban was expressed to be Mr. Perot 's son , Mr. Perot junior ; at one stage during the negotiation of the contract it was suggested that Mr. Perot 's daughters would be the purchasers .
14 In Chapter 1 it was suggested that Beccaria may have felt inhibited in including economic and social conditions in his programme because of their dangerous political implications .
15 Now , it was suggested that Mr X 's alleged subnormality did not seem consistent with a lifestyle that involved successful gambling in London clubs at a complicated card game called Kalooki , savings of £30 000 , and familiarity not just with English and French but with Hebrew and Arabic as well .
16 The Committee then discussed the possibility of lobbying through various political contacts and it was suggested that Tom Burt get in touch with the office of Lord James Douglas-Hamilton to see when it might be possible to have a talk with him .
17 After Hercule died , it was suggested that Isabelle should stay on for a while — assist with the children .
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