Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] remember that " in BNC.

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1 But it 's important to remember that most young people do not take drugs .
2 In the search for suitable pop biopic material , it 's important to remember that sex and drugs are not enough .
3 Both of these methods will be discussed briefly , but it 's important to remember that any particular grouping should only be applied to individual recognizable phases of an eruption , and that it does n't necessarily apply to the whole thing .
4 When wearing crampons it 's important to remember that it 's very easy to spike yourself and trip up .
5 But it 's important to remember that if you do have a grievance , you can only claim the money back from the company you bought the machine from , not the manufacturer .
6 It 's important to remember that it wo n't be a real job .
7 It 's important to remember that Caspar helped us to escape .
8 Yet , as David Widgery points out : ‘ It 's important to remember that there was quite a lot of opposition within the underground against whatever flower power was .
9 So erm , it it 's important to remember that Freud 's theory explains both of these tendencies and both the tendency for the group to make people better than they might normally be , but also that the tendency for the group perhaps to make them worse and of course either can happen and presumably a lot depends on the , on the leader , the leader or whoever is playing the , the leadership function presumably has erm some responsibility for this .
10 Erm , it 's important to remember that this is , in financial terms , a four year transition period , and you have n't yet completed the first twelve months .
11 Thinking about the various stages you go through and then once you 've reached the level of department managers at , on a lot of issues you tend to be at this stage but it 's important to remember that a number of your staff may be down here somewhere .
12 In this learning process it 's acceptable to remember that we are all imperfect .
13 It is salutary to remember that children who are rated as most aggressive by their classmates are those who view ( unsupervised ) the most violent TV programmes .
14 Even marriage could not cure him of all his anxieties , and it is salutary to remember that , in some situations , he was as frightened of other people as they were of him : he often seemed shy and hesitant in conversation still .
15 At such a time , it is good to remember that if the new church is to take territory for Jesus there may well be spiritual forces with whom you are on collision course .
16 For the sake of convenience this will be left for Chapter 5 though it is essential to remember that the data collected through social surveys are almost exclusively obtained by means of this method .
17 To understand why Jews should be so possessive about a collective tragedy which touched many others , it is necessary to remember that this was mass murder specifically designed for Jews in which others were caught .
18 Moreover , it is necessary to remember that overall productivity will be affected by the pattern of demand for services ( because they vary in terms of their potential labour productivity ) as well as by the efficiency with which they are supplied .
19 In order to obtain perfect balance , therefore , in combining horns with trumpets or trombones , it is necessary to remember that 2 horns = 1 trumpet or 1 trombone in dynamic ranges above and including mezzo-forte .
20 It is necessary to remember that the speed with which an asset can be turned into cash is not a sufficient characteristic of an asset to make it liquid .
21 To illustrate this , it is relevant to remember that driving a car is possible for the fully sighted in foggy conditions , but it is a more tiring procedure than driving when visibility is good .
22 Though circumstances are so changed it is relevant to remember that in their heyday syllabubs were regarded as refreshments to be offered at card parties , ball suppers and at public entertainments , rather than just as a pudding for lunches and dinners , although they did quite often figure as part of the dessert in the days when a choice of sweetmeats , fruits , jellies , confectionery and creams was set out in a formal symmetrical array in the centre of the table .
23 Nevertheless , it is useful to remember that children walk more than any other age group and women walk more than men .
24 It is useful to remember that IBM has virtually no unions .
25 It is well to remember that Susanna Jennens with her £300 per year was not extremely wealthy .
26 He had been provoked — and it is well to remember that he was then , and continues to this day to be , happily married to a beautiful and supportive wife — into seeking to continue the deception by a personal statement in the Commons in which he averred that he was innocent of the allegations and a wronged man .
27 Yet the numbers of women choosing not to marry receded in times of rising real wages , and the same conditions lowered the average age at marriage Hence , it is wise to remember that many women remained unmarried only because they did not have the means to start a new household with a husband .
28 It is wise to remember that the basic requirement of a rod , apart from the obvious ones of enabling you to cast and retrieve , is to act as a shock-absorber for the line .
29 For the present , it is wise to remember that Jesus did not have Mr Perry 's problem with the Old Testament .
30 It is wise to remember that these men were competing at a time when the black presence was of only tiny significance .
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