Example sentences of "it [modal v] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ludens , I 'm in love , I 'm desperate with love , I 'm sunk in it , I 'm ruthless , I feel as fierce as hell about this , I could kill anyone who stands in the way , I must have both of them , and I will , all right it may look like a battlefield , but what has to be done has to be done now and like this .
2 From the outside , it may look like a static heap of boiler slag , but it 's still very much alive , and mobile lava is still arriving deep within it and pushing forward .
3 He explains : ‘ It may look like a poor run for a player of Neil 's calibre , but he 's been out with a hamstring problem for much of the time .
4 The image presented , whilst it may look like a visible image , it is in reality a complex pattern of temperature differences , and this means that there are a wide range of uses for thermal imaging technologies apart from the obvious military and firefighting applications .
5 It may look like a crumbling chocolate sundae but it tastes like the finest birthday cake you ever had , covered with cream and laced with rum .
6 It may look like a handful of chocolate buttons .
7 IT may look like an everyday scene from any hospital operating theatre but this medical team has an unusual extra member .
8 It may look like an old garden shed , but according to the owners this is a historic building .
9 It may look like an exclusive jewellers , 4 display cases stuffed with expensive rings and necklaces ; in fact it 's a police station in the Forest of Dean Gloucestershire .
10 The government has to get money from somewhere , and it is logical that it should look at the whole area of VAT .
11 It should look over the front shoulder and not under the armpit ; if you do this , you will find that the rest of the upper body will tend to face forwards in the proper way .
12 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
13 If the non-Tory intelligentsia truly wants to do more than tinker in its own backyard , it must look for a route to power that can connect Cambridge with Basildon .
14 Really the Council is in a position where it must act upon complaint , and it must look at the complaints and comments that 's been received .
15 It might look at the purpose of the rule , and imply a term which , though not amending the rule , supplemented it sufficiently to change its emphasis — perhaps by holding that it was not meant to apply after the introduction of the cash-settled contracts .
16 It 'll look like a refrigerated lorry carrying beer . ’
17 ‘ When you 've finished , it 'll look like a snooker table , ’ he said cheerfully , and , reversing deftly , he went back for the next lot .
18 It 'll look like an accident , ’ said Ray Shepherd .
19 Warm things are said in the flush of the campaign but now that it 's over the first question the Tories should ask is how it would look to the country if a victorious party launched into a frontal assault on the BBC in the wake of its victory .
20 She scowled at the broad back , with the T-shirt stretched taut over his muscles , and wondered how it would look with a sandwich hurled at it .
21 When this was unsuccessful it would look around the cage where there was a long stick and suddenly it would decide to use it to rake in the fruit .
22 Boy thought he would like to see the city under heavy snow ; then it would look like a real map , all in black and white , the river a thick black ribbon , or , if frozen as he knew it had once been , a clean white ribbon , the only space in the city without streets , names , lights or indeed owners .
23 Seen from a helicopter it would look like a little lad 's still-wet scribble on a sheet of green paper , winding and erratic ; drawn with a shaky hand .
24 Her hair is a really short , blunt cut but my hair is so thick that it would look like a triangle or a big hat !
25 Some say that if you stood it up-ended on your roof it would look like a television aerial .
26 Everyone I met kept apologising for the shabby state of the buildings and I had the feeling that if I went back in ten years ' time it would look like the set for some grand-scale horror film , all broken banging shutters and cobwebbed windows .
27 How about if we had one shared out between three people have a guess at what it would look like the fraction .
28 Did you drink it ? or Arthur drank it will look for the referent of it among liquids .
29 Run by the Greater London Association of Disabled People , it will look at a broad range of disability issues as they affect disabled women .
30 It will look at the current status of DIP , and outline the pros and cons of implementing systems in areas like insurance , law , local government and credit cards .
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