Example sentences of "it [modal v] [be] remember [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It may be remembered that in Healy v. Howlett no property passed in the mackerel put by the sellers onto the rail because the consignment was not allotted as to the various destinations .
2 To put those odds into perspective , however , it should be remembered that apart from having at his disposal the incredible equine resources of In-Keeping 's trainer , Martin Pipe — who himself broke all records for a jump trainer last season — events conspired very much in favour of the four-times champion jockey .
3 Dealers and artists complain now , but it should be remembered that they were happy to sell to Saatchi in the first place , and doubtless reaped the benefit of having placed work by their artists in such a prestigious collection in terms of increased prices .
4 It should be remembered that the modern movement was responsible for great moral and social improvements when one looks sentimentally at the past .
5 However , it should be remembered that the Holland football supporter abroad is a different character altogether to the wreckers of Ajax and Feyenoord , Utrecht and Den Haag .
6 As for the first , it should be remembered that for an Epicurean the worst pain is the groundless fear of what may happen after death , and that excessive unnatural desires are painful too .
7 It should be remembered that there was no prosecution brought under the 1927 act right up to its repeal by a Labour government in 1946 .
8 But it should be remembered that his was an extremely impassioned and subjective response of a man who had fought in Spain , toured some of the depressed North and committed himself to the increasing intellectual and left-wing policies of the Independent Labour Party .
9 Yet it should be remembered that the school-leaving age was not actually raised until after the Second World War and that the suggestion that they should receive secondary education was tainted by the official assumption that the children of the working class were innately less intelligent than their middle-class brethren .
10 But it should be remembered that such hesitation was an endemic feature of British politics during the inter-war years and was even exhibited in the 1930s when fascism , that other major problem of the age , threatened to consume Britain and Europe .
11 It should be remembered that Xenophon was no weak sentimentalist , but a highly skilled and successful military commander .
12 It should be remembered that these refer , on the whole , to severe mental handicap , and that around 85% of cases of mental handicap are mild and unlikely to provoke unusual anti-social behaviour .
13 If such attitudes are now considered contemptible , it should be remembered that the policy of segregation continued for most of the twentieth century and many people still believe today that mentally handicapped people should be isolated and prevented from having children , even though the hereditary risks are low and can , in most cases , be discounted .
14 It should be remembered that many moral theories may land their adherents in Prisoner 's Dilemma type situations .
15 There is probably some truth in this , but it should be remembered that both Haussmann and his master were essentially builders and planners in the classical tradition , which was not by any means new in France .
16 But when I asked him how much of the land of the state of Israel might potentially have two claimants — an Arab and a Jew holding respectively a British mandate and an Israeli deed to the same property — he said he figure was accurate — and it should be remembered that over half of Israel in 1948 consisted of the Negev desert — then it suggested that Arabs owned a far greater proportion of that part of Palestine which became Israel than has previously been imagined .
17 It should be remembered that the decision several years ago to continue membership of CERN was taken largely at the behest of the scientific community in full knowledge that , if it was combined with a zero-growth science budget , it would mean increasing pressure on the rest of nuclear physics .
18 While this must remain conjecture , it should be remembered that 1949 was a critical juncture .
19 As with other sexually transmitted infections , it should be remembered that any sexual partners will need to be closely examined and treated if necessary .
20 It should be remembered that it is not idle curiosity that prompts them .
21 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
22 Although there have been recent price falls it should be remembered that in 1973 crude oil cost $2 a barrel .
23 In weighing the cost of the venture it should be remembered that 2.5 million people were employed and $25 billion spent on the project to land a man on the moon in the 1960s .
24 Although it should be remembered that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance .
25 Although it should be remembered that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance .
26 A 50 per cent preference for residential care might be considered high , but it should be remembered that the dementia sufferers in this sample were mainly already in the advanced stages of their illness , and also that only 3l per cent of the principal carers were spouses , and it is among spouses that the highest preference for home care appears ( see Gilhooly , 1986 ) .
27 It should be remembered that an anxious person , even an intelligent one , does not retain as much new information as normally .
28 It should be remembered that the title of this mammoth work is , essentially , A History of the Abbies and other Monasteries , Hospitals , Frieries and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches … together with a particular account of their respective foundations … .
29 This is attempted in this section , but it should be remembered that small mammal bone is extremely fragile and easily broken by agencies quite apart from the predator .
30 In addition , it should be remembered that the occurrence of suicide in such patients while in the general medical ward is not unknown .
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