Example sentences of "to be replace by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Next month I will finally fall of the back page , to be replaced by columns of Classified Ads inserted by 60-year-old male Vl Diff leaders seeking 24-year-old female partners for climbing and what have you .
2 Kim 's ludicrous failure punctured his stature and he declined to be replaced by Rhee .
3 This allows the map data to be replaced by probability distributions of known form and parameters .
4 No new midnight raids to organise ? ’ she said a touch sarkily , and the amusement faded from his eyes , to be replaced by irritation .
5 Day was removed by the government in 1551 , to be replaced by Bishop Scory , a man of more Protestant tastes .
6 The last of the Pacific Electric cars ran in 1961 to be replaced by buses .
7 The thirty three year-old driver is to be replaced by Nigel Mansell 's Williams team-mate Riccardo Patrese .
8 The secretary-general of the opposition Socialist Party ( PS ) , Jorge Sampaio , 52 , resigned on Feb. 3 , to be replaced by Antonio Gutérres .
9 As a result , village shops have tended to be replaced by supermarkets or shopping centres in nearby towns ( Harman 1978 ) .
10 Kadmon left to be replaced by Ian Devine .
11 On December 18th Hoare resigned , to be replaced by Anthony Eden , widely seen as a champion of the League .
12 As a result , the uniform ‘ polises ’ often complain that ‘ the quality of prig has been forsaken to be replaced by quantity ’ .
13 The first is the absence of drummer Phil ‘ Philthy Animal ’ Taylor ( who , it appears , has left the band for good ) , to be replaced by ex-Dokken , King Diamond and WWIII skinsman Mikkey Dee .
14 She spoke his name again , quietly this time because now the anger was seeping away , to be replaced by misery .
15 Villa suffered another setback when Parker went off injured to be replaced by Matthias Breitkreutz .
16 The low pitched timber roof of the basilica type church had to be replaced by stone vaults for safety and durability , and extension of size of the vaulting system itself ( see p. 81 ) depended on arched support of a specific type and adequate wall abutment .
17 It became obvious that pushy-aggression had to be replaced by calm , reassurance , and bribery .
18 Notre Dame in Paris suffered greatly in the Revolution of 1789 when much of its sculpture was badly damaged and had to be replaced by Viollet-le-Duc and others .
19 Nostalgia needs to be replaced by expectancy .
20 The Leuchars squadron is to be replaced by Sea Kings operating from RAF Bulmer and RAF Lossiemouth , in spite of claims that the longer response times for fishermen in trouble in the Forth and climbers in peril north of the line of the Tay could mean lives being lost .
21 But by the time they were back in Hollywood to do interiors at Paramount Studios , she deteriorated and had to be replaced by Elizabeth Taylor .
22 As with the other phyla , the great span of geological time has seen different groups rise to prominence , decline , to be replaced by others .
23 If what you imagine to be strokes are rejected , they are n't functioning as strokes and need to be replaced by others .
24 As each group of mandarins finished their performance of the ritual they backed slowly to the edge of the courtyard to be replaced by others , and wave after wave of courtiers in silks of all hues flowed across the gray flagstones under the yellow glare of the early sun .
25 Auchinleck departed for India , to be replaced by General Alexander .
26 But the family moved out in 1949 to be replaced by caretaker Albert Edwards who 's seen many residents .
27 He is to be replaced by Oliver Stocken , finance director of Barclays ' investment banking arm , Barclays de Zoete Wedd , since 1991 .
28 On June 10 President Juvénal Habyarimana signed into law a new Constitution which meant , he said , that " arms are to be replaced by ballot boxes " .
29 Koreans were frequently evicted from land and property to be replaced by Japanese , and poverty and homelessness increased , despite improvements in public health and some welfare provisions .
30 At Sequoia , Gabriel Fusco has now quit as chairman as well as chief executive , to be replaced by Francis Hughes , who is co-chief executive .
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