Example sentences of "to be regard [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Do you think there 's a better means of selection , other than what seem generally to be regarded as a rather barbaric system ?
2 There is a point here of immense importance for the understanding of Leonard which he shares with Layton ( who preferred to be regarded as a poet-prophet in the Hebrew tradition ) .
3 As late as the 1900s , Mrs Humphry Ward , the best-selling Victorian novelist and leading anti-suffragist , stressed that marriage had to be regarded as a necessary discipline , for if husbands and wives could not resolve their differences what hope remained for the larger polity ?
4 In lower Patel families the birth of many daughters began to be regarded as a disaster .
5 His earlier much-fabled ‘ ruthless determination ’ and fanatical single-mindedness were now becoming to be regarded as a major liability , and the command to the 6th Army to fight to the last man was seen as its fateful demonstration .
6 Five men doing handstands are likely to be regarded as a conspiracy against the public interest .
7 Was this to be regarded as a compliment or a criticism ?
8 Charles … allowed himself for the sake of a few thousand pounds to be regarded as a greedy and litigious landlord rather than as a just ruler or as a national king .
9 The team realized that little effort had ever been made to look at an area of activity which tended to be regarded as a ‘ necessary evil ’ and one which was very time consuming and most invasive of their private lives .
10 The harvest feast was usually a highpoint of village life , and came to be regarded as a ritual of social unity .
11 If this notion of integration were developed within our total society , the mentally handicapped would cease to be regarded as a race apart .
12 Relegation seems to be regarded as a terrible fate , worth going to great efforts to avoid .
13 Taking a summer holiday used to be regarded as a luxury that everyone owed to themselves .
14 Such an exhortation was meant to encourage adolescents to accept what was in effect an ideological belief , namely , that ‘ any service for which payment is accepted , however humble it may be , is to be regarded as a service to the community and to be conscientiously performed . ’
15 It is not , however , to be regarded as a receptacle to be emptied and purified for an infilling of some cosmic force .
16 Either House of Parliament is perfectly capable of resolving that any of its previous decisions is to be regarded as a nullity .
17 From the absolute standpoint , even a man 's body has to be regarded as a possession , so dedicated use of the body in the service of others is the highest ideal and the most effective means of happiness .
18 ‘ Space will have to be regarded as a primary thing with matter derived from it . ’
19 Apart from her scientific achievements , Elena was anxious to be regarded as a woman of taste and refinement .
20 Rabbits and foxes are common enough to be regarded as a nuisance ; there are also hedgehogs , voles , mice and other rodents .
21 The Neroccio recently sold in Rome has to be regarded as a forgery , if only because it bears a spurious signature and date .
22 The reputation of Angelica Kauffman ( 1741–1807 ) has risen steadily in recent years , since she ceased to be regarded as a minor decorative artist and began to reassume the esteem accorded her by her contemporaries .
23 Instead it came to be regarded as a base from which the school could reach out into the community .
24 In systems integration , for example , Gartner Group rates Bull fourth in Europe and sixth in the world , which is a fact that continually gets lost amid all of Bull 's other bad news — and the French authorities seem to be oblivious to how badly the regular injections of state cash to prop Bull up play in the outside world , causing the company to be regarded as a corporate basket case that would no longer exist if it were subjected to the normal commercial disciplines faced by all its foreign competitors .
25 They show that the CS First Boston Group continues to be regarded as a leading firm by informed industry sources and , most importantly , by clients .
26 Adjustment also came to be regarded as a problem relevant to deficit and not to surplus countries .
27 None the less war was coming increasingly to be regarded as a form of activity to be carried out by the whole community , which would endeavour in common , under the leadership of the king , to defend its honour and safety .
28 In the practical working out of UN policy the UN has to be regarded as a vehicle of American foreign policy ; this was not always the case and the Americans criticised aspects of the functioning of the UN in Korea and especially the attitudes of individual members of UN commissions .
29 If the written acceptance of an obligation is to be regarded as a collateral agreement ( as required by Article 35 and possible under Article 36 ) , it should be subject to the registration requirement of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations .
30 If you expect a child to write about a personal experience , engagement with that experience has to be regarded as a priority .
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