Example sentences of "to be [prep] [art] right " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My houses have to be about the right thing , ’ he told Endill .
2 Of course the dictator would have to be of the right political colour , or he might shoot the wrong people .
3 It would be important to be on the right side of the nuns too .
4 Balding 's Beech Road appears to be on the right trail for a Champion double .
5 ‘ My friends tend to be on the right hand side , as it were , but we shall be impartial . ’
6 Their idea seemed to be on the right track but the quantities of helium were never going to fill an airship .
7 Chris said it was obvious you would have to be on the right side .
8 It may be said to be on the right lines , but at best it provides materials for an answer to the logical question , materials which it does not combine properly .
9 The Oxford Saints certainly appear to be on the right track .
10 We need to ensure that our white collar members have the help and the support and the advice available to them , but that help and that advice needs to be at the right time and at the right place .
11 Apart from the pure nostalgia generated among those of us who know the route well , it was enlightening to hear from Russell of the practical problems and time involved in making such a film — 200+ hours and many journeys , hoping to be at the right place at the right time — and , as always , the great unknown — the weather .
12 The genealogical framework was the narrative , and it was essentially unconnected with any particular time : it was a sequence which had to be in the right order , and it explained how living people and the loyalties which linked them , came to be .
13 But there 's lots of wildlife around , if you happen to be in the right place at the right time , and not singing a Betty Boo number at the top of your voice .
14 We expect Jesus to be in the right place at the right time , therefore his choosing of male apostles was quite deliberate , which must have theological significance and definite implications for the ministry today .
15 You have to be in the right place at the right time , you hear there 's a place going , then you grab it . ’
16 The knack in dowsing is to be in the right frame of mind , not caring too much what answer you get , but at the same time having a clear idea of what you are looking for , otherwise you are opening yourself up to a very wide ‘ waveband ’ and things will get very confused .
17 ‘ I 'm not being modest about it , but I was lucky to be in the right place at the vital moment ’ , he says .
18 In some ways , the coaching world is like a jigsaw , in as much that when a piece of the puzzle which one felt was the perfect fit is found not to be in the right place after all , then it goes somewhere else and another piece has to be found to fill the gap .
19 Ex-soldiers such as Mike would travel from one army to the other , hoping to be in the right army at the right time .
20 Like policing , it is also a matter of flair , of the ability to be in the right place at the right time .
21 Field men know that pollution does not crop up at random and one of the arts of enforcement is to be in the right place at the right time — or at least to know where to look , for a particular problem in this form of enforcement is to forge a link between act or event and offender .
22 I 'm not proud , it 's just that I want to be in the right place .
23 So the criminals move freely around the galaxy , pursing their profession , and the FedPol must swallow its frustration and hope one day to be in the right place at the right time to catch a big-time wrong-doer in the act .
24 ‘ I guess I threw myself at you because of everything that had happened between Jonathan and myself ; I guess I was just looking for a diversion and you happened to be in the right place at the right time . ’
25 ‘ You do n't sound to me to be in the right condition to spend time with Fishbane . ’
26 They just happened to be in the right place at the right time .
27 I know because many years ago I happened to be in the right place , in the ambulance I was driving at the right time and was able to e effect a rescue of an old woman from her smoke filled house at Burstill Ten minutes later I could not have done it because of the smoke .
28 Yeah although the tape 's on I 'll still say I 'll still say I mean there are people within the company as within any company I 'm sure who you when you get to know their technical ability or lack thereof you think well how have they managed to get where they have but they just seem to be able they seem to have this ability to be able to be in the right place at the right time .
29 ‘ I just happened to be in the right place at the right time . ’
30 If you try to do the sums and ask could you do all those changes simply by sort of species going one way and the other relative to these changes erm in their origins and then those species which happen to be in the right direction being selection by some kind of species selection , I think the answer is you just ca n't make the sums add up right .
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