Example sentences of "to his death [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He blamed his mother , an alcoholic beauty who drank herself to death in 1964 , and who , he said , raised her sons with such coldness that Seth 's brother leaped to his death off the Oakland Bay Bridge .
2 And of those scenes my hero , for that is what Kong had quickly become , tumbling head-over-heels from the roof of the skyscraper to his death on the street was the one to dominate my mind .
3 The King had been so glum on his arrival and then , suddenly , almost out of character even for him , his mood had changed to one of enjoyment , drinking deeply , boasting that he would be with the Queen before the night was out , then off riding into that terrible storm to his death on the top of Kinghorn Cliff .
4 Jim feels ‘ as if a demon had been whispering in his ear ’ and goes to his death with the whisper still sounding , killed by the people he had tried , in one final , tragic mistake , to save for the future .
5 Tonight she had said nothing , so Frankie almost believed himself safe , yet he lived with the constant fear that one night she would make a horrible mistake and he would walk to his death in the inky shadows upstairs .
6 She knew that the chances of reaching it , giving the alarm , and getting men and equipment back and across the heath to Scawby Marsh in time to save Angela 's pony before he sank to his death in the marsh were very slight , but she must try .
7 A BRITISH mountaineer who plunged 2,000ft to his death in the French Alps lost his girlfriend in a similar tragedy , friends revealed last night .
8 Or did he go to his death in the anguished conviction that he was responsible for his master 's ?
9 As Gloucester 's knight he earned an ignominious name at Bannockburn in 1314 by leaving his lord to his death in the mêlée .
10 On the east wall of the chancel is the inscription to Thomas Pelling , the ‘ flying man ’ from Lincolnshire , who fell to his death from the battlements when the rope went slack as he was descending from the church tower to the Old Star inn in April 1733 .
11 A man aged 21 was threatening to jump 80 feet to his death from the roof of a Liverpool church in Derby Lane , Old Swan , late this afternoon .
12 Secondly , Mowbray was lured to his death by the tocsin sounding .
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