Example sentences of "to [be] [adv] relate to " in BNC.

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1 The likelihood that a person enters higher education continues to be strongly related to his or her family 's social class .
2 However , this is not what was expected from Study 1 where recall seemed to be strongly related to ratings of subjective risk .
3 The chemical structure of mescaline was established in 1918 and was found to be closely related to that of adrenaline , which leads to some interesting speculations .
4 In the past it was believed to be closely related to the shaggy , hardy Highland .
5 Fiegehan and his colleagues ( 1977 ) found age to be closely related to poverty : old people in Britain often subsist on very small incomes indeed .
6 Anaspids also show a dorsally placed nasohypophysial opening and are therefore considered to be closely related to lampreys and cephalaspids .
7 This appears to be closely related to whether we share the observed characteristic or not .
8 GSR as a measure can , of course , be criticised for the fact that it is known to be closely related to the subject 's expectancies and preparations for action .
9 Rather than a bourgeois audience , however , he saw the fabliau as belonging primarily to a seigneurial , aristocratic milieu , and to be closely related to romance precisely as the antithesis of romance ; as being very largely parodic .
10 The location of rift systems also seems to be closely related to the distribution of ancient structures representing zones of weakness between stable cratons .
11 Some rifts appear to be clearly related to divergent crustal movements with lateral extension being normal to the rift axis .
12 In Venice the corruption was said to be principally related to an understanding between local sections of the PSI and the DC , and to have involved the payment of bribes by businessmen for the award of public contracts in motorway construction and waterworks projects .
13 Research topics do not need to be immediately related to BP Chemicals operations but they must be on environmental matters .
14 Inter-site variation in laser Doppler flow measurements has been shown to be partly related to the small dimensions of the measurement volume , which make the results highly sensitive to local non-uniformity of microvascular perfusion .
15 An American report found heart rate to be positively related to blood glucose ( Stamler et al , 1975 ) .
16 Cancer , most feared of illnesses , is now seen to be intimately related to our emotional life .
17 We hope that both questions will be pursued with equal vigour and no doubt they will turn out to be unpredictably related to each other .
18 Under the RES the number of constituencies allotted to each region would need to be proportionately related to its percentage of the national electorate .
19 Fear is the commonest change in mood associated with complex partial seizures and is thought to be exclusively related to the right temporal lobe .
20 In a study of 102 scimitar-horned oryx juvenile survival rates were shown to be inversely related to the degree of inbreeding .
21 Also , these studies did not take into account HDL levels , which are well known to be inversely related to serum triglyceride concentrations ( Hulley et al , 1980 ) .
22 Again , we would expect its level of use to be inversely related to the level of union organisation in an establishment .
23 Offices are deemed to be permanently related to one another in a structure of kinship .
24 These features seem to be directly related to the theory of non-representative democracy .
25 In Galloway , for example , the reduced breeding performance of golden eagles is considered to be directly related to afforestation due to loss of open moorland which is their main feeding area .
26 The views of the teachers tended to be directly related to how involved they were in managing a department and thus how involved they were in spending capitation .
27 I was told that they receive three meals a day and a very small amount of payment , although this did not appear to be directly related to the amount of work they did .
28 Bowman resigned soon afterwards [ see above ] , but contrary to initial press speculation his departure did not seem to be directly related to the Belmont affair .
29 The use of the microcomputer is to be shown to be directly related to the curriculum and to enhance pupils ' learning , thus the project must be curriculum-based and not restricted to pupils ' use of the library for general work .
30 They thus tend to be solely related to a company and its products , and remain unpublished as their content is only of interest to their direct users and competitors .
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