Example sentences of "have grown [adv] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 So I feel that our power has grown very much and that we are now hand in hand with the comrades in Namibia .
2 More grist has filled the pessimists ' mill in the years since the Joint Declaration , as Peking has grown more assertive and London more timid .
3 Her eyes seemed to have grown even larger and they stared grimly at Tug and the girl , barely blinking as she watched every movement .
4 Can you imagine it , to have grown up insane and then in one fell swoop to achieve sanity ?
5 She would n't have wanted to have grown too old and survived her dignity .
6 He had developed a fine pair of shoulders , and his biceps bulged under his short-sleeved singlet : his arms seemed to have grown unnaturally long and appeared simian .
7 She had grown so tall and disrespectful that the old woman was afraid to hit her .
8 It had grown so wild and unruly that it threatened to smother all the flowers .
9 In successive years the outline had grown more pronounced and the current rainless spell exaggerated them yet more .
10 By then , the fashion world had grown much bigger and name- designer ready-to-wear had taken over from couture as the focus of interest .
11 His tummy had grown very large and when he walked he could no longer see his thin , mis-shapen legs .
12 It gave Scarlet the impression that she had grown very old and from now on might just as well go round in her shroud .
13 Another view was that business had grown too powerful and that the government should break up large firms ( " trust busting " ) .
14 But with the coming of the Garrimpos it 's grown steadily filthier and more toxic , contaminated by things visible and invisible .
15 Its vineyards , which have grown both black and white grapes for well over a hundred years , form a horseshoe around the Montagne d'Avize , starting with south-west-facing slopes south-west of the village , bending into a bank of north-facing vines at the back of the village and curving round into north-east-facing slopes close to the village of Cramant .
16 Millions of babies have grown up happy and healthy on formula milks and your baby will thrive if he has a mum who 's relaxed at feeds , not anxious that she 's not giving her baby the best start in life .
17 The folk of Tiranoc have grown as hard and bitter as their land .
18 ‘ These provincial councils were meant to act as part of central council within their own area , but they have grown more independent and now we have a situation where there is both competition and conflict between them and a reluctance to accept the authority of central council . ’
19 But you have grown so tall and handsome . ’
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