Example sentences of "have suggested that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is only fair to say , though , that work by some econometricians ( see page 103 ) has suggested that optimum rates of TV advertising require far less frequency than this , at least for well-established brands .
2 Like Bentham 's own reasons for designing the Panopticon , the Government has suggested that managerial staff should install microelectronics technology on their premises for financial reasons , in the pursuit of profit or to safeguard continued economic viability , rather than out of a perceived need to save energy per se .
3 Recent evidence has suggested that colonic neoplasm may be missed in patients presenting with iron deficiency anaemia unless colonic investigations are performed on all patients even when an alternative cause has been found .
4 McKendrick has suggested that such earnings were able to add a significant number of extra families to the " middling ranks " earning above the £50 a year bottom line suggested by Dr Eversley .
5 He has suggested that rare collisions between the earth and comets , recorded as scatters of tektites , must have produced vast quantities of energy that would have been sufficient to heat up considerably both the atmosphere arid the surface layers of the oceans .
6 David Eversley ( 1983 , p. 89 ) has suggested that marital breakdown on average leads to 1.5 new households in the medium term for every old household that is dissolved .
7 Chapter 3 has suggested that many soil conservation policies fail , and section 2 of this chapter has identified an historical model of the conceptualisation of the soil erosion problem and its policy solutions .
8 Grierson ( 1961 ) has suggested that seventh century coins have a social rather than a commercial significance .
9 For example , in discussing the way in which normal children develop language , Slobin ( 1973 ) has suggested that new functions are first learned using existing language forms or structures and , conversely , new forms or structures are first used to express well-established functions .
10 Donald Davie has suggested that one reason for the explosion of theory is that it provides ‘ a stamping ground for the innumerable people in departments of English ( also of French , of German , of Classics ) who have energy and intelligence but no literary sensibility . ’
11 Global Biodiversity Strategy , a blueprint for conservation prepared by the World Conservation Union ( IUCN ) , the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) and the World Resources Institute , has suggested that third world countries should declare sovereignty over their genetic resources as a means of protecting the earth 's diversity of species , and allowing the countries concerned to profit from the growing demand for plants and animals .
12 At least one study has suggested that high PCB levels in mothers ' milk is linked with a higher-than-normal incidence of haemolytic disease , a blood disorder .
13 With regard to the interference of pre-S1 or pre-S2 expression in the liver in chronic hepatitis delta virus infection , a recent study by Hadziyannis et al has suggested that intrahepatic expression of pre-S peptides in chronic hepatitis delta virus infection appeared to be independent of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis delta virus replicative status .
14 In reply Moscovici ( 1985 ) has suggested that social representation theorists have deliberately avoided defining their central concept , because they wished to avoid tying the concept to a single experimental procedure , whose simplifications would distort social reality .
15 We know very little of what went on in these places , from either archaeological or historical evidence , but R. H. Britnell has suggested that most markets were ‘ closely related to the growth of local trade between food producers , craftsmen and tradesmen ’ .
16 A £1m five-year research project into the effects of atmospheric pollutants on forest and crops has suggested that pollutant gases in the atmosphere are causing damage to trees by triggering aphid attacks .
17 Snell has suggested that this sense of right was sufficiently marked to make expectations from the Poor Law part of the " moral economy " which Edward Thompson has applied to the poor 's expectation that corn would be sold to them at " just " prices .
18 Lawrence Stone has suggested that this sort of argument is misconceived precisely because ‘ sex love ’ as the basis of relationships was first ideologically articulated in the bourgeoisie .
19 On the other hand it is possible thatsuch a diagnostic suspicion bias accounts for the modest increase in risk among current users but not former users of the pill , although previous work has suggested that this pattern of risk may be due to an accelerating effect of the pill .
20 Professor Plumb has suggested that commercial leisure was beginning to squeeze popular as well as " high " culture .
21 A pilot study at St George 's Hospital in London has suggested that quadruple treatment with rifampicin , ethambutol , isoniazid , and pyrazinamide or clofazamine may be of value , with 10 of 20 patients remaining in remission after nine months ' treatment .
22 The sugar industry has campaigned to separate sugar from medical conditions other than tooth decay , and has suggested that natural sugars , carbohydrates and frequency of consumption are more important to cavities than sugar itself .
23 North ( 1986 ) , for example , has suggested that widespread cash-cropping of groundnuts in the Sahelian zone has obliquely contributed to desertification because farmers can not afford either to purchase fertilisers to maintain soil-nutrient status or to use a long fallow period .
24 As a result of these worries , the Chief Medical Officer has suggested that these women should not eat liver or liver products .
25 Ian Oswald has suggested that these jerks may be the outcome of an arousal response , since they can be elicited by sounds heard while dropping off to sleep , and are associated with small K complexes in the EEG .
26 Persinger has suggested that these reports might be hallucinations instilled into the witnesses by the effect of ionising radiation in close proximity .
27 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland has suggested that those issues could be debated in the Scottish Grand Committee .
28 Sheppard Frere has suggested that some villas may in consequence have been deserted , but evidence of this nature is difficult to assess .
29 ‘ We were all aware that they were close but would never have suggested that this kind of intimacy existed between them . ’
30 We decided to begin our search in the deep midwaters on the basis of the results mentioned above , even though , at first sight , biological considerations might have suggested that inshore waters were more promising .
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