Example sentences of "have cut [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This discussion has cut across the boundaries of economics , geography and sociology .
2 It might turn out that Occam 's Razor has cut off a part or two that will be missed later on …
3 The drainage channel has cut into the millstone grit to form a series of pools , boulder-chokes , staircases and several cascades and rocky steps — one of which is particularly steep and offers excellent scrambling on rough , textured gritstone ; a damp cleft on the left offers a let-out .
4 On the far side , where Andy is heading , the bank is tall and steep where the water has cut into the hill , removing sand and gravel and stones and leaving an overhang of earth and exposed , dangling tree-roots ; the dark gravel space under that ragged overhang is the only place I can see where there is no snow .
5 ILR has cut into the audience for network radio , and the new national commercial stations will reduce it further .
6 We all share the view that local authority services should be provided by highly motivated , highly trained professional staff but local authorities have had their budgets cut from central government over the last thirteen years which has restricted the amount of finance available for training and has cut to the bone the finance available to provide efficient and effective services to the consumer .
7 Here were many war-time refugees and exiles from every country in europe , with accents you could have cut with a cheese wire .
8 It is doubtful whether even one of the eight twelves ' living bullets could have cut through the atmosphere created by the Doctor 's words .
9 This was considered serious enough by the Keraing to have supplied Tandri with the cost of a new mast which he had promised to have cut from the forest of Bouton , an island we knew nothing about on the south-east of Celebes , a two-day sail across the Gulf of Palopo .
10 A young man , eighteen years old , a student at Essex University , had cut off the head of one of his teachers , accusing him of handing out unfairly poor marks .
11 Pascoe 's original position , behind the dinghies , had cut off the route to the storage hut and that other means of getting to the street .
12 Lightning from the storm had cut off the electricity and the cell was illuminated by a bronze dish filled with flickering candles .
13 This level should , Leathart advised , be pushed on with speed to the Great Cross-course , and then on to the second fault , seen in the northern end of Fleming 's , which had cut off the vein , and there to institute a search .
14 He had cut off the girl 's head and put it next to her father 's on the garden path , where they had been found by a neighbour .
15 Partition had cut off the Pomeranian Poles from the areas of Poland that might have sustained a more confident sense of Polish national identity .
16 During the night I cut firewood for them , and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day .
17 That was half full of water and the ice had cut through the wood flow down the river , cos the water was coming in like hell and er cos one thing I had to do about it , had like a chain in the , in th in the boat , so we pulled the chain out , I pulled the chain out first and go just got the , the erm hull just above water so I bail the boat out with a bucket chuck it down the side right quick .
18 The current had cut into a hillside on the upriver side of the bend so that he would be faced with a steep climb of some fifty feet .
19 The shortened burst of automatic fire from Nell 's Uzi had cut into the night and was gone before it could be properly assimilated .
20 They had told her in hospital that the glass had cut into an artery and she had needed transfusions but although she had felt far from well this morning she was certainly feeling worse now .
21 All that could be seen of Daak was his chainsword , silent now and held aloft as Daak disappeared through the hole he had cut in the floor .
22 Gabriel had cut inside the turn and was racing to meet them on their other flank .
23 MOST company chairmen proudly trumpet the number of jobs that they have cut during the recession .
24 We have cut off the head of that government . ’
25 They take some of the money they have cut from the training budget and use it to fund employment action .
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