Example sentences of "have previously [been] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 He has previously been linked with the Chargers and a move down the Calfornian coast may be on the cards .
2 The formation of siderite in organic-rich marine mudrocks has previously been associated with the degradation of organic matter by anaerobic , methanogenic bacteria .
3 The acetylcholine sweat spot test was carried out injecting 0.1 ml of a 1% solution of acetylcholine ( Miochol — CooperVision Ltd , Southampton , UK ) intradermally using a 25 gauge needle in a marked area of the dorsum of the foot which had previously been painted with a 2% alcholic iodine solution and a suspension of maize starch in arachis oil ( 100 g in 100 ml ) .
4 Virions were pelleted by centrifugation at 40,000 rpm for 1 hr , resuspended in 100µl 2% phosphotungstic acid and dropped onto Formvar-coated grids which had previously been coated with a thin layer of carbon .
5 The pool of enriched BL-29 polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) products was used as a probe to hybridize to filters of the cosmid clones that had previously been isolated with YAC clone y178–3 .
6 The Social Security Act 1986 , radically changed the law by requiring special or emergency needs , which had previously been dealt with at the discretion of local officers , to be met out of the Social Fund under directions and guidance from the Minister who allocated funds to local offices .
7 This scheme — which was widely adopted by colonial administrations right across the continent — killed two birds with one stone : it both raised money and it produced a large labour force which had previously been occupied with growing food for their families .
8 This group included 12 patients who have previously been treated with oral antibiotics for various reasons , six patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease , six patients with associated inflammatory disease of the oesophagous and/or stomach and/or duodenum .
9 First , interferon gene deletions have previously been associated with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and it would , therefore , not be too surprising to find that abnormalities of interferon regulation or of the interferon signalling pathway were tumorigenic .
10 Most people who contract haemorrhagic dengue have previously been infected with the milder form of the disease .
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