Example sentences of "have already [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Impressionist and the City : Pissarro 's Series ’ opened at the Dallas Museum of Art last month ( until 31 January 1993 ) and will be shown at the Philadelphia Museum of Art ( 7 March-6 June 1993 ) and at London 's Royal Academy of Arts ( 2 July-10 October 1993 ) , which has already contributed to this debate with its recent exhibitions of ‘ Monet in the Nineties ’ ( 1990 ) and ‘ Alfred Sisley ’ ( 1992 ) in which the later works were strongly featured .
2 Michael Burr ( West of Scotland Agricultural College ) in his Report ( September 1982 ) on Tourism and Farming in the French Alps has already written about this subject in detail .
3 Torquil Cowan , head of Longfield comprehensive in Darlington , has already written to some parents voicing his concern about the number of children roving the streets .
4 Sometimes a parent has suffered an illness that has caused mental change or changes in personality , and the family has already gone through much of the bereavement process beforehand .
5 In particular it will help to resolve the deep paradox that has already surfaced in this book and will continue to do so : how it is that the same features of individuality can be expressed in such totally disparate forms .
6 Noblenet 's problem is that its major competitor , Boulder , Colorado-based Netwise Inc has already mopped up most of the potential outlets with its RPC-Toolkit offering .
7 Considerable exploration effort in those areas has been felt by the industry to be worthwhile , and in the United States has already met with some commercial success .
8 This has already begun in some parts of the country .
9 This has already begun in some parts of the country , including Wiltshire .
10 It is brutally clear that the private sector has already invested in those places and activities in DRAs where profitable returns on capital may be obtained .
11 Prokofiev 's solemn and doom-laden funeral march finally stamps the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet because it has already echoed through each stage in the unfolding of the plot .
12 Hewlett Packard have a working agreement with Compugraphic which has already led to that company 's typesetters being able to understand PCL and HP 's printers being able to accept Compugraphic 's fonts — they also provide PostScript as an option .
13 The system is said to be the most advanced in the world , and has already led to several arrests .
14 Head comes in , has already thought of this , and agrees to organize a collection from staff for fruit or whatever .
15 My right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has already dealt with that issue .
16 All these cases are ones in which the addressee of the words ‘ I ask you to be content ’ has already benefited under another disposition , and is now suffering the indignity of having that testamentary largesse curtailed .
17 Indeed the abolition of the GLC and metropolitan county councils , coupled with the recent development in inner-city areas of enterprise zones , city task forces and urban development corporations , has already meant in some localities a reduced role for elected councils in local service provision .
18 These may combine programmes of SCOTVEC 's National Certificate modules or Higher National Units with skills or competences gained in the workplace , building on the experience of joint certification agreements which SCOTVEC has already established with several industry bodies .
19 That has already happened in many major companies , at The Midland Bank and Marks & Spencer for example .
20 ‘ Doctor Andrews told me that he kept on saying how much he wished he could have left you enough money to live on ; but , as you know , nearly everything he possessed he 'd already bequeathed to that French museum which he started himself .
21 The trap had been beautifully set , and he 'd only avoided it because thanks to Bartocci 's machinations he 'd already fallen into another one .
22 ‘ I 'd already thought of that , ’ Laura told her gloomily .
23 Thirdly , it is often impossible to tell from the inventory whether a person was poor or whether he was living in comfortable retirement , having already passed on most of his estate to his children ; a yeoman with very few possessions is likely to have been in the latter category .
24 Derwent ( 1982 ) suggests that current upper tropospheric aircraft operations may have already led to such an increase in the total ozone column by up to several per cent .
25 You may be expected as well to have already worked for some time in a related financial area , such as stock broking .
26 In 1456 Coventry negotiated freedom from tolls in Southampton , as it had already done with another port which served it , namely Bristol .
27 I had already heard about this plan because the doctor had discussed it with my father ; but it was apparent that Eric himself was not at all enthusiastic about it .
28 As the bomber hung up Eileen had already reached for another phone to warn the police .
29 By the end of the Ordovician they had already radiated into many of the niches they occupy today .
30 But the system of fixed exchange rates established after the war and based on the dollar had already disintegrated by that time .
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