Example sentences of "have become a [adj] problem " in BNC.

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1 Finding a roof over your head has become a real problem for many more thousands of young people seeking a home of their own .
2 Algal bloom , which smothers and kills aquatic wildlife , has become a familiar problem on many inland waters , but especially here in the Norfolk Broads .
3 The poll is not analysed , but it is striking that countries where pollution from cars has become a major problem have the highest percentages of people who believe that the state of the environment requires urgent action : 85 per cent in Italy ( at the top of the list ) , where Milan , one of the world 's smoggiest cities , now has car-free days and the capital Rome also suffers severely from vehicle congestion and pollution ; 84 per cent in Greece , where restrictions on cars in Athens are imposed to save the citizens ' lungs and their ancient monuments ; 80 per cent in the most vehicle emission-conscious country in Europe , West Germany , whose dead trees have become the symbol of pollution .
4 In a survey of small businesses , Nat West said that late payment of trade debts has become a major problem over the past year .
5 In recent hot summers , red spider mite has become a severe problem in some gardens .
6 Since the balance of payments has become a structural problem because of the prolonged period of under-investment , imports have grown as a share of UK domestic spending , making the growth of inflation resulting from devaluation more rapid .
7 ANOREXIA NERVOSA is an eating disorder which has become an increasing problem over recent years especially as there is so much pressure these days to be ‘ thin ’ .
8 COMPUTERISATION has become an urgent problem for Britain 's 36,000 family doctors .
9 ‘ The research … will contribute to overcoming the effects of sweet potato weevil which has become an insurmountable problem to control with conventional approaches , ’ says the company .
10 In fact , unknown to them , the clearing of the gas had become a major problem .
11 Violence at and related to football matches had become a serious problem in the Netherlands in recent years .
12 Looting had become a serious problem and there were no food shops which had any stocks left ; most were burnt out and vandalized .
13 It 's antics like this which have become a major problem in towns and cities up and down the country in recent years , generating fear on estates like Blackbird Leys in Oxford .
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