Example sentences of "have asked the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other cases the committee has asked the Joint Monitoring Unit ( JMU ) to visit the firm , usually to review its audit procedures .
2 The General Assembly has asked the richer countries to give one per cent of their annual budget to try and wipe out poverty in the third world .
3 ‘ The International Intellectual Property Alliance ( IIPA ) has targeted seven countries for particularly egregious abuses of US copyrights and has asked the new US Trade Representative , Mickey Kauber , to designate them as ‘ Priority Foreign Countries ’ under the Special 301 provisions of the trade act .
4 The Home Secretary has asked the chief constable for a report .
5 David Waddington , the home secretary , announced that he has asked the chief constable of the West Midlands to investigate the conviction of the Birmingham six , who were jailed for an IRA bombing 16 years ago .
6 The company has asked the International Trade Commission to forbid the entry into the United States of counterfeit computers and components .
7 Mr Harper and his lay ministers in St Paul 's Church Society give church services in 24 Darlington old people 's homes and he has asked the Prime Minister to intervene over the closure plan .
8 The UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency has asked the European Commission and European Parliament to impose sanctions against Taiwanese goods .
9 British Coal has asked the National Union of Mineworkers to discuss further pit closures .
10 The ministry described the problem as very serious and has asked the National Disaster Council to deal with the problem .
11 The LFS has asked the same question about temporary working only since I 9836 and the latest survey results available are those from 1986 .
12 I am giving my hon. Friend the correct answer ; if he has asked the wrong question , that is his problem .
13 There was general approval that I 'd asked the right question — no one back in the newsroom realised how hard it had been .
14 Nicola is such a brilliant student I 'd asked the Royal Ballet to give her an audition . ’
15 There were a few who would have asked the same question , looking at Joan Rush , senior project officer with the fund , a prime mover in the group which has beavered away at the subject to bring it into the mainstream of policy and practice .
16 In July the prime minister of Belgium and a committed Europeanist , Paul-Henri Spaak , stated that he supported a European Assembly and announced that he had asked the European Movement to consider plans for such a body .
17 Robbie had asked the elderly housekeeper .
18 During the late 1960s I had asked the Civil Aviation Flying Unit ( CAFU ) to connect the pilot 's boom microphones in one of their HS 125 aircraft to a domestic tape recorder to see whether an acceptable quality of recording could be achieved .
19 Libya had asked the ICJ Court to " enjoin " the UK and the USA from taking action " calculated to compel and coerce " Libya into surrendering the two men .
20 Many parties ( including Civic Forum and PAV ) had asked the Interior Ministry to screen their candidates for possible collaboration with the StB in the past , and 166 candidates were reported to have withdrawn by the eve of the elections .
21 When the United Kingdom had entered the EEC , it had asked the major parties to nominate representatives to the Parliament .
22 He had asked the ultimate question — What is it for ? — and got the obvious , the only answer .
23 He had asked the young men if they had been to Germany — knowing they had not .
24 Seaspeed had asked the British Hovercraft Corporation ( BHC ) to make the cross-Channel SR.N4 more profitable .
25 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
26 On his return from Scotland he had asked the French government to provide him with 18,000 men for a fresh attempt and had then visited Spain to seek help from Ferdinand VI , but , like Louis XV , the Spanish king was non-committal .
27 However , they were soon to show their hand and in October 1981 the DES announced that it had asked the local authorities to give urgent consideration to the possibility of setting up short-term machinery to deal with the management and funding of maintained advanced further education .
28 The Los Angeles Times had asked the local police chief why the riots had occurred : ‘ One person threw a rock , and then , like monkeys in a zoo , others started throwing rocks . ’
29 The 14-year-old had asked the High Court to rule that she could live with her boyfriend 's family .
30 The 14-year-old girl had asked the High Court to rule that she could live with her boyfriend 's family .
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