Example sentences of "have come from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of that carbon dioxide has come from burning fossil fuels ( coal , gas and oil ) .
2 Inevitably , much of the stimulus for our changing views of the visual system has come from empirical studies but , over the past decade especially , attitudes have also been changed by the development of detailed theoretical models of how visual information processing might take place .
3 It has already been postulated that the intellectual origin of these criticisms lies in liberal political philosophy ; however , confirmation has come from empirical research .
4 None of these has come from official Church sources , a matter which surprises Mr Demos Strouthos of Prediction magazine , who is enthusiastic in his support of his advertisers .
5 Success has come from effective teamwork , a more focused strategy and stronger marketing .
6 Much of the improvement has come from increased sales into furniture foams , explained , commercial manager .
7 New and more productive cereal cultivars have contributed their share to improved yields , but the biggest share in developed countries like the United States has come from increased use of fertilizers — 55 per cent between 1965 and 1976 , according to the New Delhi paper quoting an FAO estimate .
8 In a recent study of all Higher Education Institutions it has become quite clear that the main impetus towards Equal Opportunity Policies has come from female members of staff or particular unions representing female members ( CRE , unpublished ) .
9 The UK division of FoE produces the Good Wood Guide , a simple run down of tropical hardwood products and their alternatives for consumers and manufacturers alike , so that all interested parties can be sure of buying hardwood that has come from sustainable sources .
10 Much of the information has come from surviving aces and their families , giving an immediacy to the stories not always found in other books .
11 ‘ For this book , an awful lot has come from live people , her family , her friends .
12 Some schemes have been consumer-led ; others have been initiated by local authority or health service managers or by local councillors ; for others the impetus has come from social researchers ; and still others have come about through joint action by social workers and their managers .
13 A lot of support has come from local firms and from individuals like electricians and plumbers , said Mrs Coates .
14 The great increase has come from domestic rates and the community charge , and we know who is responsible for that — high-spending Labour councils .
15 Over the years more and more evidence consistent with the electroweak theory has come from numerous experiments not only at CERN but at particle accelerators throughout the world , and in 1979 , Heldon Glashow , Abdus Salam , and Steven Weinberg received the Nobel prize in recognition of their theoretical endeavours to unite the weak and electromagnetic forces .
16 A major contribution to public awareness of the modern kite has come from exceptional kite flyers with artistic ability to create multi-coloured artforms .
17 And there had been no damage to any arteries , the small amount of blood there was had come from minor cuts from the broken bottle .
18 Within a year the fundraising campaign , which included selling note cards and T-shirts , had been completed , much of the money having come from local businesses and foundations .
19 Left to themselves , folk musicians did what they could without the guidance which might have come from experienced musicians .
20 Their attitudes were so different , they could have come from separate planets .
21 Come to think of it , the Krooms may have come from outer space , though outer space was not then as popular as it later became for launching expeditions against Earthmen .
22 Elsewhere , much of the smooth plains material could have come from large impacts on the so far unseen hemisphere .
23 The missing two-thirds of its energy must have come from elastic tension stored in its huge tendons , tail and lower back .
24 About two-thirds of this will have come from nuclear power , the rest from research and medical uses .
25 Silver must have come from silver-bearing lead and copper ores but there is no evidence of mining lead itself until the late Saxon period .
26 It was not a whistle that could have come from human lips , but a chilling scalpel shriek he had heard only once before in the Fifth Dominion , when , some two hundred years past , his then possessor , the Maestro Sartori , had conjured from the In Ovo a familiar which had made such a whistle .
27 More seriously , he thought that it was probably a corrupt version of some such name as Krankovitz or Krankovsky , indicating that one branch of the family had come from eastern Europe .
28 Surviving papers relating to the removal of 433 paupers and vagrants between 1740 and 1762 show that 40 per cent of these unfortunates had come from other parts of East Anglia , 15 per cent had travelled up to 100 miles , 6 per cent had started from London and Middlesex and 39 per cent originated elsewhere , including thirty-three people from Scotland and sixteen from Ireland .
29 A defence lawyer said both defendants had come from broken homes and had been brought up by their mothers .
30 The initial legal advice had come from Foreign Office lawyers .
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