Example sentences of "have come to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's clear our little truce has come to a grinding halt .
2 The wall of molten lava has come to a virtual halt 150 yards from the first home in the town , but officials said yesterday that its flow appeared to have picked up speed further up the slope .
3 Now , as a letter to the Times pointed out last week , the word ‘ train ’ is being replaced by ‘ service ’ — as in ‘ Please do not open the doors until the service has come to a complete standstill . ’
4 Now that the group has come to a better understanding about some aspect of these problems , how can they feel Empowered to act for change ?
5 ROBERT Hall 's love affair with Rolls-Royces has come to a temporary halt .
6 Variable analysis is the closest that social research has come to a generic method of social investigation .
7 Things have not worked out as expected , there has been a snag , the line of development has come to a dead end , the promising drug is not safe enough for people and so on .
8 Because the sun 's rotation drove the planets around , the whole system would have come to a gentle halt for the duration of the miracle .
9 If the directors do state their reasons the court will investigate them to the extent of seeing whether they have acted on the right principles and will overrule their decision if they have acted on considerations which should not have weighed with them , but not merely because the court would have come to a different conclusion .
10 I 've come to a tremendous decision today .
11 And then we go back to the point which Mr Cunnane wanted to raise and they 've had their lunchtime discussions , see whether you 've come to a some form of agreement or resolution on that .
12 ‘ You see , ’ the chief inspector went on , ‘ I 've come to a dead end . ’
13 I feel I 've come to a full stop and so does Toby .
14 And what more could Miss Waters do but affirm that if one could not perform one 's Christian duty without being treated as a busybody then the parish had come to a sorry pass ?
15 The closest that the prewar colonel had come to a political affiliation had been with progressive , Christian anti-fascists .
16 Separation and divorce became inevitable ; it was a ‘ good divorce — non-violent and non-tumultuous … we had come to a real separating of the ways and it was obvious there was only one thing to do and we did it very simply . ’
17 If she had come to a pitiful and desperate end , this woman for one would not be sorry .
18 On the ground , in accordance with the order , 5 Corps had already entered negotiations with the Soviet authorities to take them over , and had come to a final decision ( reported to Eighth Army ) on which groups were to go .
19 For a communist militant who had devoted his life to the struggle against fascist barbarism and oppression , the revelation that the Soviet communist state had come to a private agreement with Hitler 's Nazi Germany was a mortal body blow .
20 By 1982 ( the EC 's 25th birthday ) the momentum for a Single European Market had come to a virtual standstill .
21 I know this caused an immense amount of debate at Personnel sub-committee , and I thought that Personnel sub-committee had come to a reasonable solution .
22 The regime was n't defeated although it had come to a dead end and the liberation movement did not conquer the situation although they made government impossible .
23 When he 'd been banging on for several minutes about immigration , infiltration , dilution of the great Anglo-Saxon race and a lot more of the same , I seized the opportunity , rather neatly I thought , to observe that indeed things had come to a pretty pass when the name Patel was as common as Smith in England .
24 But in 1795 and 1796 , after seeking the answers to his problems from Godwin 's book and finding none , Wordsworth had come to a full stop : he had become ‘ Sick , wearied out with contrarieties ’ ( Prelude 1805 , x , 900–1 ) and finally ‘ yielded up moral questions in despair ’ .
25 ‘ The whole thing had come to a horrible head and a lot of hurt has been suffered by both of them throughout the summer .
26 I think I should add very shortly that having considered the many authorities cited , even if I had come to a different conclusion on the issue about consideration , I would have come to the same decision adverse to the owners on the question whether the payments were made voluntarily in the sense of being made to close the transaction .
27 I tell him I am a writer and that I was robbed in Cuzco Airport and lost camera , films and all my writing , so I have come to a tranquil place to try to remember .
28 From this experience we have come to a new recognition of the marginalisation of North American cultural and ethnic groups .
29 Of course , many people concerned with language teaching have come to a similar conclusion .
30 TIMES may have been tough in recent years but matters have come to a fine pass when this distinguished theatre feels obliged to assemble a posse of actresses and two actors to perform what is basically a rather vulgar sketch and present it as a front length drama .
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