Example sentences of "have to say [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You can you go to church every Sunday , sing the choruses or the hymns , listen to what the man has to say or the lady has to say at the front , and it can just go over your head and it can mean nothing to you apart from something that you believe might be true .
2 This is what the Bible has to say on the subject :
3 That is absolutely all he has to say on the matter .
4 ‘ They break the rules because Bawden cares less for rules than for the things he has to say about the feel of a summer morning , the watery sunshine of an April afternoon , or the flurry of a February snowstorm . ’
5 And yet , all Glenny has to say about the army 's role in the present , Bosnian war is that they are ‘ genuinely confused ’ , ‘ waverers ’ pushed by Muslim and Croat provocations into the clutches of ‘ unashamed Serb nationalists ’ .
6 But you 'll see what Doctor Morris has to say about the place . ’
7 Wired purports to be about America not just Belushi , but this is trite stuff about decadence in Tinseltown ; what it has to say about the nation is nugatory , unless you count a depressing scene in which an audience collapses in laughter while the Voice of its Generation ( as Bluto in Animal House ) stuffs a sandwich down his pants .
8 ‘ Wired purports to be about America not just Belushi , but this is trite stuff about decadence in Tinseltown ; what it has to say about the nation is nugatory . ’
9 ‘ A disaster , ’ is all Alex has to say about the matter .
10 The statutory duty to consult a trade union about redundancies is well known , but both employers and those directly affected tend to be less familiar with what the law has to say about the need for consultation with affected individuals .
11 The Department 's courses accordingly aim to give an understanding of what German writers and thinkers have had to say in the past of the age and the society within which and for which they wrote and make students familiar with contemporary life and literature , art and film in the German-speaking countries .
12 Thus , whereas in a face-to-face meeting I can say I 'm Joe Bloggs , on the telephone I must say This is Joe Bloggs or Joe Bloggs is speaking with third person verb agreement ( but see Schegloff , 1979a ) ; in contrast in Tamil we would have to say on the telephone the equivalent of Joe Bloggs am speaking , with first person verb agreement .
13 Not because of their undoubted erudition , acuity and ( not least ) charm have pre-empted everything we , their successors , might have to say on the matter ( culture is evolving at too vertiginous a speed for that to happen ) , but because we are n't alone in having read Barthes and Eco and assimilated their methodology .
14 In fact , as is now abundantly clear , it meant that the Government would ratify Maastricht , but without the social chapter , whatever Parliament might have to say on the matter .
15 One factor with which the Baghdad planners had failed to reckon seems to have been the contribution to an enemy 's performance of simple patriotism , the force which impels people to fight to defend their native soil against an invader , whatever they may have to say about the way things are run at home .
16 be able to say to you which I 'll have to say next term when I go in to do my inspections , I 'll have to say to the teacher er , one
17 erm I would have to say in the university 's defence , as you would imagine I would say
18 Now quite frankly Mr Deputy Speaker , if we want these new constituencies , including South Essex , it seems we 're going to have to say to the French they can have lots and lots of money to build lots and lots of new buildings for this rather ridiculous parliament and quite honestly Mr Deputy Speaker , members tonight in voting on the new boundaries will really have to decide what we want to do .
19 Read what the movement 's spokesman had to say at the time .
20 When speaking to him I made no reference to the writer to the Hebrews , to the apostle Paul , to Moses or to the apostle Peter , but rather I concentrated on what the Lord Jesus Christ had to say on the subject .
21 Feeling that anything I had to say on the subject would drive passengers to reach for the inflight discomfort receptacle , I asked my spellchecker to do it instead .
22 ‘ Wonder if there 's an ‘ alf good fence to be found in Glasgow , ’ was all Tommy had to say on the subject .
23 ‘ Ma certainly did n't bother to display my final report anywhere , ’ was all Daphne had to say on the subject .
24 What local ‘ MPs and candidates had to say on the day the election date was named :
25 He listened to what I had to say about the procedure still to be gone through and hoped that they would soon hear whether Balbinder had a place .
26 As he explained when I met him , he became so angry when he read what they had to say about the Princess that he wanted to ring the editors and complain , but realized that , rather than spending every day on the telephone , a simpler solution was to stop reading them .
27 He had told me what he had to say about the murder and was free to call me again any time .
28 The position used to be quite clear and is well summed up in what Scott LJ had to say in the wartime case concerning the soap flakes :
29 If you find that what I have to say about the specialisation is difficult , do n't worry .
30 What might theology for its part have to say about the direction that world seems to be taking ?
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