Example sentences of "have gone to [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Essex-based dance star has gone to extraordinary lengths to mask his identity since storming the charts with his debut single .
2 He believes that the exchange rate is relevant to the control of inflation and indeed has gone to great lengths to show it , including raising interest rates in an attempt to stop the pound from falling .
3 Such technical recommendations are of little practical value and sometimes provoke vigorous protest from professional aviation people , but from the patient painstaking AIB inspector who has gone to great lengths to provide the sheriff 's court with as much guidance , information and advice as he can , there will be little more than a wry smile or shrug of the shoulders .
4 Although the government has gone to great lengths ( £1 million spent on marketing the proposals ( in an attempt to convince us that the NHS will still remain a National Health Service and will still be free to those requiring health care the proposals clearly spell the future of a health service which will move away from being a public tax funded service to a two tier service , with those who ca n't afford to pay on the bottom level receiving inadequate and cash starved services .
5 Mr Lendrem has gone to great pains to establish one thing : that all of his preconceptions concerning bird behaviour are true .
6 Sun Microsystems Inc has gone to Digital Tools Inc , Cupertino , California for its AutoPlan graphically-based Unix project management system for use internally : the value of the contract was not given .
7 In that short period , a profit of £5m , tax-free , has gone to secret investors , and Telecom has been landed with a lemon .
8 But 50-year-old Thaw has gone to extreme lengths to keep his location secret and has turned into a virtual recluse .
9 Most of it has gone to three institutions : the British Museum , RADA and the National Gallery of Ireland .
10 Once or twice he 'd gone to great lengths to deceive me but , more often , he 'd taken little trouble to cover his tracks .
11 Once again she felt a rush of warmth for Josh ; clearly he 'd gone to some lengths to cover up for her , and for that she 'd be eternally grateful .
12 Actually , I had fun inventing my own diet because I had gone on diets before , I 'd gone to fat farms , too , but it had never lasted .
13 ‘ I could have gone to European clubs for a lot more money than I earn now , ’ he says .
14 But who would have gone to such lengths to scare her , and why ?
15 Accepting that half the coal market will have gone to privileged fuels by 1993 , what are the real business prospects for British Coal , the miners and the coalfield communities ?
16 And he must have gone to those churches for the first time .
17 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
18 To have gone to such lengths to destroy — ’ Meredith heard his muttered expletive , but he said no more — just began to pace the room with a restless air as if he were in a prison and desperate to get out .
19 The Sanpro industry as a whole has been quick to wheel out the public relations machinery , and they 've gone to great lengths to reassure women that there really is n't any danger at all .
20 There 's many a time wished I 'd had one of them buggers when I 've gone to these meetings , union meetings and that .
21 Well do I know you 've gone to these lengths only to spite me .
22 Although most residents were being relocated in any of the 34 remaining council homes for the elderly , some had gone to private homes and some had gone to other counties to be closer to relatives .
23 Although most residents were being relocated in any of the 34 remaining council homes for the elderly , some had gone to private homes and some had gone to other counties to be closer to relatives .
24 It must have been a popular book as it had gone to five editions by 1656 , and twenty-four editions by 1744 .
25 The most worrying aspect of all , for Corby , however , was that many parents felt they were kept in the dark about what was happening , so that while there were exceptions , and in some cases social workers had gone to great lengths to explain the system and the likely outcomes , in two cases the parents were not aware until later in the process that they and their children were the subjects of child abuse investigations .
26 The head had gone to great lengths to buy his own school rather than work in the state sector precisely so that he could be king-pin with nobody telling him what to do .
27 It may be that the IRA , fearing informers , had gone to such lengths to restrict the knowledge of where the ‘ active service unit ’ was that it was unable to warn them that their presence was compromised .
28 Although most residents were being relocated in any of the 34 remaining council homes for the elderly , some had gone to private homes and some had gone to other counties to be closer to relatives .
29 Although most residents were being relocated in any of the 34 remaining council homes for the elderly , some had gone to private homes and some had gone to other counties to be closer to relatives .
30 Chris Walton , prosecuting , said two women had gone to two branches of Boots in Darlington and using a stolen cheque book , obtained £40 worth of gift vouchers .
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