Example sentences of "have been [verb] about by " in BNC.

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1 The company 's poor performance has been brought about by adverse factors that have dogged Lowndes since it bought out Harris Queensway , which had grown fast in the early 1980s only to fall on more difficult times .
2 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
3 The point is that so much economic growth in Latin America , from the enclave economy to contemporary multinationals , has been brought about by foreign concerns , which has denied the local entrepreneurial groups their historic role in leading , organising and financing this process .
4 This change has been brought about by the activities of prescriptive grammarians and educators , not — as the Harvard account implies — by some mysterious property of the language itself .
5 In many insects the number of veins is less than in the hypothetical type , and the reduction has been brought about by the degeneration or complete atrophy of a vein , or of one or more of its branches , or by the coalescence of adjacent veins .
6 It is scarcely necessary to emphasise the absurdity of the proposition that this state of affairs , whichever it is , has been brought about by my action in lifting the lid .
7 This decentralization of the British population out of the cities has been brought about by a number of factors .
8 The poverty trap has been brought about by the interaction of the paying of tax and the loss of means-tested assistance on each £1 of additional earnings .
9 This has been brought about by the increase in unemployment and the abolition of the statutory minimum wage , together with a programme of Government ministers exalting employers to reduce wage settlements , particularly for the low-paid .
10 This has been brought about by two main factors : the sale of council houses and a decline in public sector investment in housing .
11 It is difficult for the present generation of comparable age to realize what a change , in this respect , has been brought about by television .
12 Noah said everything — including the attack on her — has been brought about by her departure from Romany ways .
13 Will the Chancellor confirm that the large increase in the public sector borrowing requirement planned for next year will be to pay for the massive increase in unemployment which has been brought about by his own economic incompetence ?
14 That is part of Northern regional health authority 's largest-ever capital investment , and it has been brought about by the Government .
15 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that some of the unemployment has been brought about by the so-called peace dividend ?
16 Compared with the competitive surplus of ACPc this change has been brought about by a loss of RCK , due to output restriction ( i.e. monopolisation per se ) and a creation of additional producer surplus of PcKEG , due to the ability of the enlarged monopolised firm to achieve lower costs .
17 It is only a shame that this outcome will have been brought about by market forces and legislation rather than by any innate concern for dog welfare .
18 Item — It may have been brought about by negligence .
19 The contacts between the Lemass and O'Neill governments were seen as having been brought about by pressure from Britain , and as a result ‘ O'Neill has got his orders to play down discrimination ’ .
20 Independent events are those which are most unlikely to have been brought about by the behaviour of the respondent , such as a husband 's car accident which happened while the woman was at home .
21 At the same time , it was accepted that all the talks , petitions , donations and arguments had been brought about by the imminence of the Commonwealth Conference , where the Secretary-General , Sonny Ramphal , has warned that Britain may find itself in a minority of one over South Africa .
22 Things would n't have been so bleak , perhaps , if the dramatic rise in population had been brought about by healthier times and a consequent increase in life expectancy ; in the event , many scholars would cite a different cause or causes for it — like the fact that the decline of the apprenticeship system meant that couples were marrying younger , and so increasing the number of child-bearing years per family .
23 Part of the recent rise in sterling 's value had been brought about by the purchase of sterling by overseas investors wishing to buy UK government bonds .
24 Pathologist Ernest Walton said his death had been brought about by a combination of internal bleeding due to multiple injuries and alcoholic liver disease , which caused liver failure .
25 Some ironically have been brought about by road congestion caused by the railway 's erstwhile competitor , the private car .
26 These improved rates have been brought about by increasing school enrolment .
27 For a Christian , it should be almost impossible to judge which changes have been brought about by the marriage and which have been brought about by the love of God .
28 For a Christian , it should be almost impossible to judge which changes have been brought about by the marriage and which have been brought about by the love of God .
29 These changes , radical in the UN context , have been brought about by the changes in the nature of the UN 's missions , and in the soldiers who carry them out .
30 Those improvements which have been gained by the farm worker have often been by-products of trade union agitation in other industries or have been brought about by such external agencies as government action and technological innovation .
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