Example sentences of "have the same meaning [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Subsection ( 9 ) ( a ) contains a definition of residential occupier , the relevant words being : ‘ residential occupier , ’ in relation to any premises , has the same meaning as section 1 of the 1977 Act . ’
2 Another problem is where a function word in the target language has the same meaning as in your own language , but does not occur in all the same contexts as it does in your own language .
3 An anaphor is a word , phrase or ellipsis that has the same meaning as a previous word or phrase in a text , for example a third person pronoun or a verbal ellipsis ( eg Sarah likes burgundy , and Sally , claret ) .
4 ( a ) Deception has the same meaning as in the 1968 Act .
5 ( 6 ) In this section — " disposition " has the same meaning as in the Law of Property Act 1925 ; " interest in land " means any estate , interest or charge in or over land or in or over the proceeds of sale of land .
6 ( b ) " a road accident " means an accident on land due to a collision or apprehended collision involving a vehicle ; ( c ) " a statement of the special damages claimed " has the same meaning as in Ord 6 , r 1(7). ( 9 ) Unless the context otherwise requires , references in these rules to the return day in relation to a fixed date action to which this rule applies shall be construed as references to the date on which directions take effect under this rule .
7 " Capital sum " for these purposes has the same meaning as in s677. ( b ) Associated payments In relation to any capital sum paid to the settlor by a body corporate the expression " associated payment " means : ( i ) any capital sum paid to that body by the trustees of the settlement ; and ( ii ) any other sum paid or asset transferred to that body by those trustees which is not paid or transferred for full consideration in money or money 's worth being a sum paid or asset transferred in the five years ending or beginning with the date on which the capital sum is paid to the settlor ( s678(3) ) .
8 ( c ) Connected company A company is connected with the settlement if it falls within TA 1988 , s681(5). ( d ) " Capital sum " The expression " capital sum " has the same meaning as that given in s677 and any question whether a capital sum has been paid to the settlor by a body corporate or to a body corporate by the trustees shall be determined in the same way as any question under that section whether a capital sum has been paid to the settlor by the trustees ( s678(5) ) .
9 This would not have had the same meaning as it has today for the term park originally meant land enclosed to keep beasts for hunting or ornamental purposes .
10 The draftsman must , therefore , express himself consistently throughout the lease , for a word used in one part of the lease will probably be construed as having the same meaning if used in another part of the same document .
11 At a short distance from Monarch Hill towards the hills we find Blackman 's Dane , by 1731 this had been altered to Hickman 's Dane , the term having the same meaning as Dene .
12 These findings offered important support for theoretical proposals about children 's acquisition of the meanings of more and less as well as of other adjective pairs ( e.g. , big/small , tall/short , wide/narrow ) , in that they appeared to show that children first learned the meaning of the unmarked term for a dimension ( e.g. , big , tall ) , and interpreted the marked ( negative ) member ( small , short ) of the pair as if it had the same meaning as the unmarked ( positive ) member ( see H. Clark , 1970 ; Clark , 1973a ) .
13 1.9 " Certificate " means a certificate by the Architect to the effect that in the opinion of the Architect Practical Completion of the Landlord 's Works has been achieved and " Practical Completion " shall for the purposes of this agreement have the same meaning as in the Building Contract ) The " opinion of the Architect " should be qualified to read " the reasonable opinion of the Architect " , but it should be noted that practical completion can be certified even when some works under the building contract are still outstanding .
14 a pelican crossing has the signals have the same meaning as traffic lights except that the flashing amber signal will follow the red stop signal , when amber light is flashing you must give
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