Example sentences of "have save [pron] from the " in BNC.

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1 Professor Black 's TGAT report , for all its expensive complexity , has saved us from the test-led teaching that seemed at one time inevitable .
2 He was one of the most accomplished debaters in the Government but nothing would have saved him from the mauling .
3 Even then our marker point will have preserved for us a stability in stratigraphical nomenclature and will have saved us from the utterly wasteful vacillations in opinion and fashion that trouble us today .
4 At times he would claim that his father had been lashed in front of the town and put in the stocks for poaching a salmon , and told to pray for the soul of Lord I — whose goodness had saved him from the hanging he deserved .
5 Whatever vanishing act had saved her from the goon with the gun , it had left her armed .
6 If their historical interest had saved them from the pick , the swinging steel ball , and the bulldozer , their intractable lay-out had discouraged renovators who might have put them to some use .
7 J.B. Priestley once said that it could never quite make up its mind whether it was a port or a resort , but that very ambivalence had saved it from the worst pitfalls of both .
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