Example sentences of "have arrive at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Democracy has arrived at a gallop in England and I fear all the time it is a race for life .
2 An educated person in this model is not one who has arrived at a state of knowledge but one who is embarked upon a never-ending developmental process of becoming .
3 The microcomputer has arrived at a time of high unemployment .
4 Despite the comprehensiveness and relative complexity of Porter 's analysis , he concludes that , once one has arrived at an assessment of one 's competitive strengths by considering how strong an SBU is in terms of the factors in figure 4.5 which are most important for the relevant industry , there are only three generic strategies open to any SBU to become more competitive .
5 If he can produce no grand reason for abandoning left-wing Labour attitudes , people will be forgiven if they conclude that the change was cynical and opportunistic and that Mr Kinnock is more interested in gaining office than in doing anything in particular once he has arrived at the top .
6 at a time after the guest has arrived at the hotel , either the property in question was offered for deposit as aforesaid and the proprietor or his servant refused to receive it , or the guest or some other guest acting on his behalf wished so to offer the property in question but , through the default of the proprietor or a servant of his , was unable to do so .
7 Redfern launched a circulating exhibition of recent graphic works at the beginning of the year , there has been a print survey at New York 's Museum of Modern Art , and now a collection of important and fragile pictures dating from the Fifties and Sixties , coordinated by the Tàpies Foundation in Barcelona and already seen at IVAM in Valencia , has arrived at the Serpentine Gallery ( to 9 August ) .
8 President Bush has arrived at the summit out-of-step with other world leaders on environmental protection measures .
9 He rose , began to pace the room , stared at the butler who entered , and said to Orrin , ‘ Beg pardon , sir , for interrupting , but the housekeeper says that a young woman , claiming to be Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall , has arrived at the servants ’ entrance , and what is she to do ? ’
10 The first couple of times she 'd arrived at a rendezvous and then lost her nerve , backing out before anyone could approach her ; but then she 'd tried getting herself a little drunk beforehand , and from then on the doors were flung open and she was away .
11 Boy thought that this had been in some ways the perfect night , the best that he had ever had since he 'd arrived at The Bar .
12 Of course there was the occasional hiccup , such as when they 'd arrived at the nightclub to see a particularly gorgeous girl whom the Press had linked with Ace in the past .
13 We 'd arrived at the zoo .
14 I 'd arrived at the Greenwood Theatre too late to hear Jonathan Ross get off his intro-line about Fashanu ‘ scoring ’ at the weekend .
15 He 'd fucking had his dinner at six o'clock , I do n't even know what I rang the club later , I tell you like , twenty past he 'd arrived at the club and he was early , where 'd you go ?
16 If Hugh and Prior Robert had not been well mounted , and the elderly but resolute former steward of Ramsey forced to go afoot , they could not have arrived at the cathedral priory of Worcester within a day of each other .
17 For had it not been raining so hard on that Tuesday evening I would have arrived at the Philharmonia Hall in good time .
18 We would ari have arrived at the block of flats prior to six o'clock but not many minutes prior to and then from there er we made our way up to that floor by the stairs as opposed to the lift .
19 The normal rule in such circumstances is for the convictions to be set aside : ‘ no reasonable jury who had applied their mind properly to the facts in the case could have arrived at the conclusion , and once one assumes that they are an unreasonable jury , or they could not have reasonably come to the conclusion , then the convictions can not stand . ’
20 The financial year runs from April 1 , and by that time , departments must have arrived at an estimate of their needs .
21 The van having arrived at the weighbridge , she got out , but was instructed to get back in as she was ‘ part of the load ’ .
22 He continued : ‘ Having arrived at the party we do n't want to be seen to be griping .
23 The other proviso of course , is our commitment to ninety , nineteen ninety four , and nineteen ninety five , not having arrived at the end of the financial year yet , we 're still in the position of having to forecast what those commitments will be .
24 On one issue — the nature of the orcs — Tolkien seems very nearly to have arrived at a solution without quite being able to grasp it , a sign , perhaps , of exhaustion .
25 In his account Norton claims to have arrived at the Elixir of Gold but to have had it stolen by a servant .
26 However , few of the boards that we observed appeared to have arrived at the stage of reflecting on some of this learning in training sessions , which might , in turn , help them discover ways to become more effective .
27 Rincewind did so , and watched the nervous Broadman , who had arrived at a gallop from some back room , lead the way up the wooden steps behind the bar .
28 She wanted to say it was only a joke , about boiling oil , but they had arrived at a building with several steps leading up and told to get into single file so that their names could be checked at the door .
29 They had arrived at a point opposite one corner of the house , but once they left the trees there was no more cover until they reached the broad belt of shrubbery which ran parallel to the side of the house .
30 An authoritative Soviet study on the diplomacy of the developing states , prefaced by Firyubin a couple of years before his ASEAN tour , had arrived at a definition of neutralisation on the basis of declarations by the statesmen of Southeast Asia .
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