Example sentences of "have stop [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 he told them he 'd stopped in the fast lane instead of moving to the hard shoulder because he did n't want to ruin his tyre by driving on after a puncture .
2 ‘ Then we 'll just have to stop at the first one , ’ Isabel declared .
3 Having to stop on every other move to bury one hand at a time in the confines of barely warm armpits made for rather a stilted ascent , but it was worth it .
4 The party may claim to be in the vanguard of history , but its clock seems to have stopped in the 1950s .
5 They had stopped on a small rise , at Bernice 's insistence , to compare stories and devise plans .
6 Above him , Jimmy had stopped on the first landing and was looking back .
7 They had stopped on the high point , where they could look across their own little valley to the dark sea , and back into another valley lined with lush woods .
8 He was reminded of the statements of the stableman who had joined him for a drink at the Bull , situated at the end of Cross Street , and of the café owner where he had stopped for a fried breakfast .
9 Cranston , who had stopped at a local tavern to refill his miraculous wineskin , was full of chatter and speculation .
10 In assuming that it may be rational to be a sceptic about value alone , we had stopped at an uncomfortable halfway house between philosophy and common sense , between the pure thinker who doubts everything and the plain man who questions neither what he sees nor what he likes or dislikes .
11 Geoffrey had stopped outside the fourth ground-floor window from the garden door — Loretta was relieved to observe a lack of lights in the rooms adjoining it — and was already slipping his ruler into the gap between the two parts of the sash window .
12 She had stopped in a busy street in Cardiff city centre after a shopping trip , and left the engine running after hearing a strange noise .
13 The Dodger and Charley Bates , not wanting to attract attention to themselves by running down the street , had stopped round the first corner .
14 ‘ I had to stop for a quick drink on the way home with John Dyson , ’ he said .
15 Once they had to stop at a red light , and they heard Donald whimpering .
16 Of course they had to stop at the nearest tavern for Sir John to take refreshment and S over his sword play , step by step , blow by blow .
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