Example sentences of "have live [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are well aware of this problem and the last thing we want is ex-service men having to live in temporary accommodation .
2 Meanwhile , 1990 will again be a year when we will have to live with high interest rates .
3 Sandholme and Hive are two hamlets side by side , where many years ago the inhabitants must have lived in blissful seclusion amid a farming community .
4 I asked my father about the people in the adjoining houses , they must have lived in perpetual fog , and I remember he told me that perhaps they got their houses at a reduced rent .
5 The woman 's alleged to have lived in constant fear of her estranged husband , who 's said to have kidnapped her on her way to work .
6 Throughout Van Der Meulen 's long career , his primary concern was that of peaceful co-existence and co-operation in a region where a Muslim majority had to live in close proximity to large communities of Christians and pagans .
7 He made the point that , whilst the mail order companies had lived with bad debt for years , for such as the building societies it was a new phenomenon .
8 For Helen , London meant the leafy calm of Twickenham , where they had lived in early childhood , subsequent rare excursions to the Royal Academy or the Tate and occasional visits to Louise in Camden Town .
9 This was the first time in my life that I had lived in deep country , without easy access to shops , transport and people I knew .
10 Until the day she visited the Morgue , Irene Beltrán had lived in angelic ignorance , not from apathy or stupididy but because ignorance was the norm in her situation .
11 ‘ It 's disgraceful , we 've lived through sheer hell for three years .
12 On the right to vote for example , the U K grants this right to all U K citizens who 've been out of the country for less than twenty years , while Germany extends voting rights to all German nationals residing in another member country of the council of Europe and those who 've lived in non-member country for less than ten years .
13 Equally no-one travelling on to Nicaragua could fail to notice the difference from Guatemala — people still have to live with civil war but for ten years have had a government that has actively promoted mental health .
14 So we pray for those we know in the church or parish who mourn the death of a loved one ; for those who are ill , or are convalescing after sickness or an operation ; for those who have to live with constant weakness or pain ; for those who are anxious about the health of a loved one , particularly mothers anxious about children .
15 Many have to live in remote place , work long and unsociable hours ( often in foul conditions ) , must cope with clients who are often self-indulgent and in poor physical shape , and have the ability to turn their hands to anything .
16 Suppose we have lived in utter darkness and only believed that darkness was light ? ’
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