Example sentences of "have carry [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She has to carry up the children , her shopping and any other goods coming into the household .
2 His widow , Mrs Mercy Rimer , has carried on the tradition these past few years , but this season will be her last .
3 They also failed to take him seriously , and made him angry , but he has carried on the struggle .
4 They will be able to challenge the charges of a solicitor executor who has carried out the administration of the estate , by applying for a Remuneration Certificate from the Law Society .
5 ‘ Its actual value is impossible to know , ’ said Mr Peter Freebody , whose yard at Hurley , near Henley , has carried out the project .
6 During my discussions with President Yeltsin , he explicitly accepted the disproportion between the British nuclear deterrent , Trident , and the nuclear capacity that will be available to the Soviet Union even after it has carried out the reductions to which it has committed itself , and which will take a decade or more to implement .
7 The Computer Centre has carried out the programming work for all of the systems described above .
8 Unless the contract is frustrated , the seller will still have to carry out the contract and if he delivers goods which do not comply with it , he will be in breach of contract .
9 Years later , when they told this story , those who had conceived the plan insisted that they would have carried out the attack in their own names , as rebels , and not under the Shah 's authority .
10 But for the support of these societies the Cizek school could never have carried out the work that it is doing .
11 An alternative explanation for Abu Nidal involvement was the suggestion that his group might have carried out the killings on behalf of the Iraqi regime ; this version depended on the suggestion that Abu Iyad , while publicly backing the PLO 's pro-Iraqi line , was expressing reservations about it to Arafat in private .
12 Having carried out the work , the repairer then supplies the goods to the original owner who , using its VAT number , acquires them in its own country so avoiding the need for cross-border refunds .
13 Having carried out the research , let's say we know where we are going and arrive at a beautiful river .
14 Libya did , however , offer full co-operation with French investigators , who would be allowed to question the four senior intelligence officers , one of them the brother-in-law of Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , suspected of having carried out the Niger bombing .
15 They were further charged with stealing a motor-cycle combination on which they are said to have carried away the safe .
16 Indeed these officials are likely to have carried out the duties of assistant commissioner , resident magistrate , general arbitrator , tax-collector and market supervisor all rolled into one .
17 Researchers from the Imperial College of Science , Technology and Medicine in London , and an independent company , Social and Community Planning Research , which were to have carried out the survey , had not been informed officially .
18 According to press reports the guerrillas claimed to have carried out the attack in support of a state-wide bandh ( political strike ) backing the implementation of the Mandal Commission report .
19 Four people sustained minor injuries and the van burst into flames ; the two people believed to have carried out the attack , however , escaped on a motorbike .
20 Police were reported on Nov. 13 to have arrested 270 people , including one of four gunmen alleged to have carried out the attack .
21 The left-wing Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement ( MRTA ) claimed to have carried out the killing , but police security experts stated that the Maoist Shining Path guerrilla group ( Sendero Luminoso ) was probably responsible .
22 In May 1987 the debtor , who had carried on the business of running a nursing home , sold the business as a going concern and went to live in the Canary Islands .
23 He had died before she 'd finished university , but she had carried out the plans they had made .
24 The surveyor who had carried out the inspection had seen the water during his survey , but had put it down to a leak in the central heating system .
25 We would not have known it was here , unless we had carried out the exercise last night .
26 At their trial , the judge is believed to have added 25 per cent to each sentence specifically because the police had carried out the attack while operating in their official capacity .
27 The Islamic Jihad Movement — Bayt al-Maqdis ( Jerusalem ) claimed on Feb. 5 that a unit from its Katibat Ushshaq al-Shahadah ( Martyrdom Lovers ' Battalion ) had carried out the attack .
28 Dodman offered to give evidence against another man whom he claimed had carried out the burglaries , but he was unable to do so because of a mental condition and the charges against the other man were dropped .
29 Dodman had offered to give evidence against another man whom he claimed had carried out the burglaries , but he was unable to do so because of a mental condition and the charges against the other man were dropped .
30 A former member of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , Sgt. Felix Ndimene , said that he had served in a special forces unit which had carried out the massacre in September 1990 of 26 passengers in a Johannesburg-Soweto train [ see p. 37698 ] , an incident which had provoked weeks of violence in the Johannesburg region between ANC and Inkatha supporters .
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