Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] a bit " in BNC.

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1 But I mean it could 've been made a bit bigger than that could n't it , for the seat
2 a splendid initiative and it 's similar to the way in which the district council is now devolving responsibility for public toilets , and I 'm delighted that local government reorganization has been given a bit of stir that districts and county councils to get their acts together .
3 Now I suppose that kind of model of what goes on in families has been disrupted a bit in the last few years because increasingly people have drawn attention to the way in which um often the person doing the abuse is the most powerful person within that family situation .
4 No , that would be I do n't really think of that when I , I do n't think I do n't think anybody went to see her , but I think she 'd been done a bit better .
5 ‘ Things might have been handled a bit better — but it 's between him and the team . ’
6 Judging from the number of Londoners who ended by having to pay more than they were initially assessed for , this refrain could have been sung a bit too often to be convincing .
7 Although the SSC , like most things , could probably have been designed a bit better and made to cost a bit less , physics dictates its overall scale .
8 Can I just mention that the reason why some of the older properties in this village has steeper pitched roofs is not because they 're pantiled now , because originally they were erm , thatched , and the thatch needs a very steep pitch and particularly when there 's a erm a gable end higher than the pantiles , it 's where there was a thatched roof originally , but most of the older properties in this village are only one room wide , so you ca n't get a very big roof on , no matter how steep it is , the proposed houses here are in fact virtually sort of two rooms wide are n't they , so that means they are wide at the eves , I I would personally have thought that erm they could have been pitched a bit less .
9 Yeah , well as I say , sometimes I go along while in between but I I think it 's more or less when when I 've been aggravated a bit , you know what I mean ?
10 Right well just that er it 's been resolved a bit since I handled it cos er got this meeting set up which I do n't know whether , whether you need to come , it 's on the second of February
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