Example sentences of "have [vb pp] responsibility for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 * A US-based group , Sea Shepherd , has claimed responsibility for sabotaging a whaling ship in northwestern Norway in December .
2 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
3 The Notts & Derbyshire branch has taken responsibility for publishing the region 's CPD Newsletter .
4 The person applying must have taken responsibility for arranging the funeral .
5 There was no 1940 general election and by 1945 the voters remembered both that the Labour Party had shared responsibility for winning the war and that it had opposed the Conservative policies which led to the war .
6 In addition , one partner had taken responsibility for overseeing the whole process .
7 A large number of problems has been encountered , one of the most surprising being the fact that no UK Government department had taken responsibility for enforcing the EEC controls on the sale of protected wildlife specimens .
8 The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman of the Doosan Electro-Materials Company , which had admitted responsibility for leaking highly toxic phenol waste into the Naktong River .
9 Gerard Harte , 27 , was convicted and sentenced by a Dutch court on April 2 to 18 years in prison for the Roermond murders of May 1990 , when the IRA had admitted responsibility for shooting two Australian tourists mistaken for UK service personnel [ see p. 37537 ] .
10 The signatories of the Charter have accepted responsibility for maintaining the good code of practice and also agree to disseminate the document through their organisations , encouraging their managers to actively participate .
11 Since the Clean Air Act of 1956 governments in the UK have taken responsibility for designating clean air zones in which certain types of pollution , notably the smoke caused by burning coal , are illegal .
12 This sub system was set up and developed by the team who have retained responsibility for writing and testing programs for any new reporting requirement .
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