Example sentences of "have [adv] been accuse of " in BNC.

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1 The Hindu report infuriated the opposition in parliament and there were renewed demands for the resignation of Mr Gandhi , who has repeatedly been accused of attempting to cover up the scandal .
2 Europe has repeatedly been accused of cultural imperialism , of being a trade fortress and a rich man 's club .
3 Speelman with the white pieces has often been accused of having a rather wimpish opening repertoire , and on this occasion he gained nothing from the advantage of the first move .
4 Laing has often been accused of being a workaholic himself , but he denies it .
5 Also singled out for particular censure has been Mozart 's wife Constanze , who has often been accused of hastening her husband 's early death through her sluttishness , extravagance , and inability to keep the household finances in order .
6 Indeed , the Keynesian model has often been accused of neglecting the labour market altogether , and in particular of neglecting optimizing behaviour in the labour market .
7 The organisation has frequently been accused of torturing and killing opponents of the regime .
8 The kingdom also uses the amputation of limbs as a punishment , imposes the death penalty , and has frequently been accused of torturing prisoners .
9 The kingdom also uses the amputation of limbs as a punishment , imposes the death penalty , and has frequently been accused of torturing prisoners .
10 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
11 Cognitive therapy has sometimes been accused of being only applicable to the ‘ intellectual ’ client .
12 While the Royal Commission has never been accused of acting as an arm of government , its inquiries are not conducted with the same open-eyed approach to political manipulation as are those of the Select Committees of the House of Lords or House of Commons .
13 She 'd often been accused of impersonality in her work and it was the criticism that stung her most .
14 Yoshihisa Tabuchi , the president of Nomura ( the world 's largest stockbroker ) , and Takuya Iwasaki , the head of Nikko , resigned their posts on June 24 after their companies had also been accused of lending money to the head of a major gangster syndicate known as Inagawa-Kai , and of taking illegal actions to boost the values of shares which he held .
15 Yoma 's former husband Ibrahim al Ibrahim , appointed by Menem as Chief of Customs at Buenos Aires international airport , along with a former government official , Mario Caserta , had also been accused of drug laundering in the same report .
16 He had been criticized for failing to do enough to prevent a spate of serious attacks on foreign workers and asylum-seekers in the state , and had also been accused of working for the Stasi .
17 He had originally been accused of the offence along with five other men , who were jailed on Tuesday for terms ranging from four years to six years .
18 As the only no-strike nurses union , it had often been accused of being a Government ‘ lackey ’ .
19 The officers had reportedly been accused of disloyalty to the Assad regime .
20 But there again , Nigger Asnett had never been accused of being a prudent man .
21 They have also been accused of competing with wild owls for food , and of introducing genetic differences into the wild gene pool .
22 The Wedding Present have often been accused of lacking political commitment .
23 The Government have often been accused of singling out students for special treatment under the rules .
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