Example sentences of "have [been] largely [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , trade policy has been largely defined by successive governments of both parties in terms of the need to remove barriers to its free development .
2 RHT has been largely developed by Wilde ( e.g. Wilde , 1982 , 1988 , 1989 ; Wilde & Murdoch , 1982 ) and has been offered as a model both of the effects of safety legislation on population accident statistics and of individual behaviour .
3 Conceding that ‘ millions of people are linked by an enduring minority interest which has been largely neglected by television ’ , Channel 4 is to broadcast a ten-day ‘ steam season ’ in September under the title ‘ Going Loco ’ .
4 The object may prove to be genuine , but this is little consolation to the owner if it has been largely destroyed during the authentication process .
5 Not surprisingly , the agenda of the European Regional Association ( ERA-WACC ) has been largely influenced by these changes .
6 Back in June he issued his plan , Putting People First : A National Economic Strategy for America , which has been largely incorporated into the Democratic platform .
7 The leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging ( Afrikaner Resistance Movement ) has been largely discredited in far-right circles by the recent scandal over his relations with an glamorous English-language newspaper columnist .
8 So far , the card capacity has been largely limited to a mere 64 kilobytes and supply to third parties is controlled by Sharp which price them at up to £50 each , limiting the potential margin for would-be card publishers .
9 The problem of introducing a banding regime which survives the in situ hybridization protocol has been largely overcome in man through the introduction of replication G-banding by BrdU substitution ( 20 ) .
10 But this doctrine has been largely supplanted by a later doctrine that such personality is real , and is analogous to the personality of individuals .
11 Peter , having been dismissed because his work as a traffic clerk has been largely supplanted by use of a computer program for traffic Mows , vehicle scheduling and so on is eligible for a redundancy payment .
12 Monarchs have relinquished their rights to interfere ; the House of Lords has been largely stripped of its rights by successive parliamentary Acts since 1911 .
13 In many countries ‘ comparison shopping ’ has been largely decentralized from city centres to regional shopping centres .
14 Many note that the ‘ traditional ’ has been largely replaced by ‘ informal ’ music which plays on the emotions , with ‘ joy ’ being given great prominence .
15 In some of the most active maritime routes , such as in the North Atlantic and Baltic , the ocean bill has been largely replaced by sea waybills which are receipts of shipment and which can act as documents of title where the applicable law allows such a function .
16 Skil , like several other traditional power tool manufacturers , has realised that the outdoor market has been largely untapped in recent years .
17 The composition of the atmosphere above the clouds has been largely determined from Earth-based spectrometric studies , starting with the detection of methane and ammonia in the 1930s .
18 German child care and youth policy has been largely determined by the particular approach taken to ‘ youth problems ’ in the legislation of the Weimar Republic .
19 On the Chinese side the temptation to retreat into a mood of self-critical isolation has many precedent from the past century of modern history — a history which has been largely determined by the perplexing question of how to cope with the outside world .
20 The suggestions of homosexuality are , however , only one aspect of the attempt to discover some " mystery " which he wished to conceal ; and , in fact , the belief that there is such a secret has been largely provoked by the innate secretiveness of his own temperament .
21 This has been largely achieved under the 1974 Act .
22 And although this is conjecture , I feel it should be mentioned , if only because the primal mother-child relationship so highly emphasised in post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature has been largely ignored by those who have written about anorexia nervosa .
23 This problem has been faced by researchers in the United States but has been largely ignored in the United Kingdom .
24 In general terms , tax has been largely abolished on most life-time gifts , provided certain important conditions are met .
25 As an autonomous region , Tibet ( Xizang ) has its own legislature ( Local People 's Congress , whose Chairman is currently Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme ) and is administered by a People 's Government ( whose Chairman is currently Doje Cering ) ; since pro-independence demonstrations in September and October 1987 [ see pp. 35716-17 ] security has been largely controlled from Beijing , and since March 1989 Lhasa has been under martial law [ see pp. 36521-22 ] .
26 The company is hoping to cash in on a niche — fault-tolerant personal computing — that has been largely overlooked by traditional players like Tandem Computer Inc and Stratus Computer Inc , by offering low cost PC-based fault-tolerant systems to the market .
27 In the past diethylcarbamazine was widely used , but it has been largely superseded by the drugs mentioned above .
28 By the fourth year of secondary school this approach has been largely abandoned in the schemes reported .
29 The vernacular rules predict that dabble will be subject to backing — certainly not front-raising — and it is unlikely that this speaker is following the highly recessive rule for front-raising after velars in the item castle ( this has been largely abandoned by younger low-status speakers ) .
30 The eventual thrust of the reform of the German child care legislation has been largely directed towards remedying the above shortcomings of earlier legislation rather than towards grounding the new Act in completely different principles .
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