Example sentences of "have [been] [verb] for over " in BNC.

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1 This practice has been followed for over 300 years at High Bridge End , St. John 's in the Vale , and until recently at Adamthwaite in the Howgills , and it is referred to in Langdale also .
2 An association between hypertension and diabetes has been suspected for over 70 years .
3 Northern Ireland has been warring for over 20 years .
4 ‘ OPTIONS ’ has been running for over ten years in America , four years on the UK mainland and over two years in the province .
5 This interspecific backcross mapping panel has been typed for over 700 loci that are well distributed among all the autosomes as well as the X chromosome ( 35 ) .
6 Compost-making on a farm scale is yet uncommon in Britain ( it has been practised for over 4,000 years in China ) as it involves a very careful balance and mixing of ingredients , control of ventilation and moisture , and the extra work of at least one turning .
7 Although the actual game has been going for over 65 years there was a slight change made in 1943 when the event became a charity match to raise funds for the specific purpose of the prevention of blindness .
8 The playground at Brockweir school has been deserted for over a year , once a 100 children were educated at this small village school , but it was closed last year because of declining numbers .
9 That is ludicrous because the term has been used for over ten years , it was coined by Labour councillors and has even been used jokingly by the people it referred to .
10 It has been established for over 100 years , and has eight offices throughout the UK and a subsidiary in Guernsey .
11 Libyan politics has been dominated for over two decades by Col. Moamer al Kadhafi who came to power in the military coup of 1969 [ see p. 23569 ] .
12 Has been worked for over 100 years but currently under redevelopment and extension with a modernised shaft .
13 I wondered where Toby was — he 'd been gone for over thirty-six hours now .
14 I knew that I always overestimated the time these outings took , but I was certain that we 'd been going for over two hours , and still we were crashing on .
15 It would have been frozen for over thirty years .
16 Most of the sample group ( 82 per cent ) had been using for over two years before they first sought treatment .
17 Sheila , who had been ringing for over 20 years , told me that her father and grandfather had both been ringers .
18 Douglas Gray of Middleton in Teesdale said he had been complaining for over two years about undelivered letters and hit out at the ‘ uncaring attitude ’ of the Post Office in Darlington .
19 In February the King released 313 political prisoners , including prisoners of conscience Jogen Gazmere and Sushil Pokhrel , who had been detained for over two years without trial .
20 It had been raining for over three hours , and the hide Duncan lay in was filled with water .
21 The English had been fishing there for over a century , and had been settled for over fifty years , so they had a strong position for making the French give up any claims to settle there .
22 About half of the patients had been waiting for their notes for less than six weeks , but 19 had been waiting for over six months , 14 for over a year , and six for over two years .
23 Little did they know that French , together with hard-working ARFU executive Bob Fordham , had been working for over 12 hours attempting to salvage the Wallaby tour after pre-tour conditions , such as the non-playing of national anthems , were inexplicably ignored at Ellis Park the previous day when South Africa celebrated its return to international rugby against the All Blacks .
24 In a copy of Burma Today for March 1945 , which has somehow survived in my papers , I see an editorial which I wrote under the heading ‘ Britain 's Best Ambassador ’ , namely the BOR ( British Other Ranks ) , who had been fighting for over three years to liberate Burma .
25 Publicity officer Steve Thompson , said : ‘ Nicky had been fighting for over four years with an injury he did n't know about until six months ago .
26 A lone man at nearly midnight , wearing a thin jacket in a storm that had been blowing for over an hour …
27 Some asylum seekers have been detained for over a year .
28 Professor Davies , Dr S G Wheatcroft and others have been engaged for over ten years in a study of Soviet industrialisation , with special reference to the crucial years 1926-1937 in which the foundations of the present economic system were established .
29 The changing distributions between 1970 and 1980 on this index have been calculated for over 100 countries , with some surprising results .
30 Two prisoners of conscience in Laos have been held for over 15 years for ‘ re-education ’ .
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