Example sentences of "have [not/n't] yet [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 So far , many of the improvements they brought about have survived , and the fragmented bus industry has not yet led to a breakdown of the integrated ticketing that marked such a step forward in British practice .
2 The fact that this has not yet led to a fundamental delegitimisation of the state 's role has led some Marxists to develop a more sophisticated awareness of the divergent forces operating upon the growth of government .
3 That political will does not exist because public opinion has not yet begun to be aware of the scale of possible changes that governments will ask their publics to accept .
4 The development is being promoted by the City of Edinburgh District Council , although it has not yet progressed to the submission of a planning application on which I have been asked for comments by the District Councils Director of Planning .
5 He 's not seen me , they 've gone straight past , he has not yet come to terms with the fact that his mummy 's a queen .
6 A guilt compounded by the suicide five years ago of his sister Angela ( nine years his senior ) , with which he admits he has not yet come to terms .
7 He has not yet come to a conclusion on that .
8 Despite the efforts of Rowlinson and his undoubtedly substantial contribution to the growth of the UK business over the last few years , Korn/Ferry has not yet adapted to the British corporate scene quite as successfully as Egon Zehnder or fellow members of the Big Four .
9 Besides , the temperature would continue to rise over the next few decades even if greenhouse gases stayed as they are , simply because the world is so slow to warm up , and has not yet responded to what is there already .
10 The Army Council faction has not yet responded to the demand .
11 On it we would have found the names of other distinguished old Summerhillians … unfortunately , Eric has been delayed at Stonehenge , and has not yet got to grips with the design .
12 And the saint has not yet spoken to us of Shrewsbury . ’
13 The difference in both salinity and density of the salinity minimum west and east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge suggests that more recent , denser LSW has not yet spread to the east .
14 They were likely to make trouble , having not yet come to terms with the hurried departure of Mrs Thatcher following upon the events of November 1990 .
15 The Yugoslav revolution succeeded in preventing the nationalities within its state frontiers from massacring each other almost certainly for longer than ever before in their history and though this achievement is now unfortunately crumbling , by the end of 1988 national tensions had not yet led to a single fatality .
16 Worsening expectations had not yet led to a collapse in investment , however .
17 If under the contract between A and B property had not yet passed to B ( see Chapter 3 ) , then A was still the owner when he sold to C. Still being the owner , A could pass that ownership to C. One has to examine the two contracts , B's and C's , and find out under which of them property was to pass first .
18 Martha , her youngest , was being courted by Sam Baldwin , the youngest son of the family at Cauldron Mill ; although the lad had not yet spoken to Jonadab , Annie knew it would not be long before he asked for their daughter as his bride .
19 Tiredness , the excitement of the journey and of sitting , so late , at a pavement café such as I had seen only in films ( these agreeable continental institutions had not yet spread to London , far less pre-Festival Edinburgh ) , as well as the unaccustomed intake of alcohol , all made my head reel .
20 The party had not yet come to terms with the departure of Mrs Thatcher and was suffering an identity crisis .
21 The " literature " to which Playfair refers is , of course , classics rather than English literature ( which had not yet come to be seen as an adequate instrument of " culture " ) .
22 But the Friar 's wits had not yet returned to him and he seemed not to hear what the Trapper said .
23 She was wholly relieved that he had gone , for his absence enabled her safely to join her friends , to receive their questions and their anecdotes , and to hear of the brazen , wonderful audacity of Janice , who had not yet returned to the fold , and who had been seen leading , yes , leading her captive from the floor , in search of fresher air and darker night .
24 It was the worst raid so far but Maureen who had not yet returned to driving was with her mother in the shelter and Anne , who finished work at ten o'clock , had reached home , dodging from shelter to shelter .
25 Long term serological surveillance studies have also found that in most patients without H pylori infection , 12 months after anti- H pylori therapy , both specific IgA and specific IgG antibody values were lower but had not yet returned to the normal range .
26 Verres had not yet handed to the state his collection of Corinthian bronzes .
27 In my tender pre-teen years , I had n't yet learned to be analytical — far less critical .
28 I have not yet beckoned to her so that she will come running to me , so that I shall lie with her today and tonight and tomorrow , and for a great many tomorrows .
29 The White Park apart , the British breeds are closely related — they have not yet diverged to a noticeable extent in spite of their apparent differences .
30 Formal announcement is not expected before the autumn , and the product is planned for the first half of next year , with the prime target market seen as MS-DOS users that have not yet succumbed to the blandishments of Windows and might otherwise jump straight to NT .
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