Example sentences of "have [verb] permission for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since the report was printed the committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken at the end of this afternoon 's session for our colleagues involved in the dispute .
2 The committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken at the end of congress on Monday to help these colleagues as well .
3 The committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken on behalf of the Matthew trust fund at the end of the Wednesday morning session .
4 Sedgefield District Council , we hear , has given permission for a clairvoyancy evening at Spennymoor leisure centre .
5 A Government inspector has given permission for a mixed development including a food superstore on land formerly occupied by Octavius Atykinson at Starbeck , Harrogate , following a public inquiry and local plan inquiry .
6 The committee has given permission for the bucket collection to be taken on behalf of our colleagues at at the end of the Tuesday morning session .
7 The government has given permission for the plant to go ahead in the face of sustained opposition from environmentalists , church groups , and the local Lumad tribal people , to whom the mountain is sacred .
8 The General Synod of the Church of England voted last November to allow women priests but the Church Society which opposes the move has won permission for a High Court hearing .
9 Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ( HMIP ) has refused permission for the commissioning of a new nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield while authorizations for discharges are still under review .
10 The County Council had given permission for a 70 acre toxic waste dump in Ringaskiddy on part of the 1000 acres owned by the IDA — there was that threat over people 's heads .
11 The swings had gone and the pier had been demolished ; a few years ago the Council had given permission for a café-and-restaurant to be built , but the place had only been open a month when it caught fire and was burned out ; the Fire Brigade could n't get to it , the promenade being too narrow for their vehicles .
12 The Tsar had given permission for the formation of the Legion but , a couple of months later , the Tsarina rescinded the order .
13 I think it was er fairly evident that he had given permission for the three British hostages to be released after Sir Edward Heath 's meeting with Tariq .
14 He ruled that Kylie , who had refused permission for the video when approached by
15 He was hard pressed during the epidemic , and had obtained permission for the acting medical officer of health for the Borough to man a relief vaccination station at the Town Hall .
16 In order to establish a trust fund to cover this , and the maintenance of the college 's picture collection , the Charity Commissioners , after over two years of deliberation , have given permission for the sale of three paintings : a Turner , a Constable and a Gainsborough .
17 Edinburgh Airport Ltd. own the land , which runs parallel with the airport perimeter fence , and have given permission for the path to be constructed .
18 The portfolio would stay in Russia until authorities have given permission for the pictures to be exported .
19 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
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