Example sentences of "have [verb] itself in the " in BNC.

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1 Public administration and management in central government has stood up to these strains , but the weakness has shown itself in the apparatus of policy formulation and in the quality of many government decisions over the last 25 years .
2 In research terms , this has shown itself in the way that it has become perfectly acceptable to use a wide variety of research techniques in one study , and to use different techniques for the study of different topics .
3 The weakness has shown itself in the apparatus of policy formulation and in the quality of many government decisions over the past 25 years . "
4 Over the last hundred years the proletariat has schooled itself in the pretensions of the bourgeoisie ; while the bourgeoisie , less confident of its ascendancy , has become more sly and deceitful .
5 Moving is development in IBM — and to bring that full circle , the depth of well developed IBM people has demonstrated itself in the company 's extraordinary ability to get so many thousand people into new jobs , even in new places .
6 In this chapter I have made no attempt to discuss why it should be that the DES has found itself in the situation of promulgating these various initiatives , or indeed how it sees the relationship between them .
7 It is but one of a plethora of bearable books on the ever lovable cuddly toy which has imprinted itself in the imagination of young and old alike , and always with a name by which to identity the original .
8 Since 1985 , the Association has promoted itself in the South but has encountered difficulty in establishing a countrywide structure due in even part to branches being thin on the ground in some areas and the difficulty in telling all assistant managers of the benefits and purpose of the Association .
9 In their first underground leaflet , the Women 's Higher Council stated the following : ’ To our great masses of women , to the steadfast mothers , sisters , to our women heroines behind the iron bars of the zionist jails and in the revolutionary camps — to women workers , peasants , students — You had a central , important and distinguished role in the great Intifada — had part in its continuity , escalation and in sparking its flame ; this role has expressed itself in the wide participation of women in all fields of daily confrontation and resistance since the Uprisings first day .
10 ‘ Alas , ’ said Owen , ‘ I feel that the largeness of spirit for which you are famous has expressed itself in the figure you give us . ’
11 RECRUITING IN A RECESSION Taking on new staff is rarely a company priority in a recession , but The Freshman Consultancy has established itself in the recruitment business in spite of the current climate
12 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
13 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
14 The idea of a National Government , then , had implanted itself in the mind of the King , and in that of his closest adviser , as a possible solution to the economic crisis which many felt to be imminent .
15 Following our view of sadism , we should say that the destructive component had entrenched itself in the super-ego and turned against the ego .
16 The government lost credibility and became increasingly unpopular as it became evident that it had failed to meet the targets which it had set itself in the March 1990 radical economic austerity plan [ see pp. 37312-13 ; 37371 ] .
17 The wily captain 's luck was holding in more ways than one for the customs search team found that one of the French shells had ricochetted down an alleyway , through the door of the Captain 's cabin and had embedded itself in the leg of a table where the occupant would have been sitting .
18 An alien presence had established itself in the heart of the town and people who had no connection with the crime under investigation or any other would feel uneasy until they were gone .
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