Example sentences of "have [verb] at [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 The importance of these statutory provisions appears to me to be that Parliament has considered at various times and in various contexts the need for recovery of imposts paid but not due and has legislated in a manner which suggests that no such general principle as the Woolwich contends for was thought to be in existence .
2 Thus the problem of splitting a program between two storage media , one fast but small and the other large but slow , has reappeared at different times and at different storage levels .
3 In the last chapter we looked at how the social institution of marriage has changed at different times in history .
4 It was such an idea of modularity that Minsky intended in the quoted passage above , and he has suggested at various times that an organism would be more efficient , in terms of its ability to survive , if it had , as a separate module , a model of itself , which might of course be totally false as to the facts of the self 's reality : alcoholics who believe themselves to be merely social drinkers probably survive less well than those who believe themselves to be alcoholics .
5 Still more complex behaviours , such as the spinning of an orb web by a spider , or the singing of the species-specific song by a bird , depend on an interaction between innate structures generating particular movements , on innate tendencies to be reinforced by particular sensory inputs , and on experience , which may have to occur at particular times during development .
6 Most woods have a multitude of banks , ditches and enclosures relating to their former management , which can be shown to have developed at different times .
7 Their financial status seems to have varied at different times in her life from the reasonably comfortable to the distinctly shabby genteel .
8 They were also rooted in the past and in the nature of things — in the past , through the gifts of land , relics , and rights which they had received at various times ; in the nature of things through the physical separation of the British Isles from the rest of the world as an alter orbis .
9 In the event , we had to return at separate times and as the friend , Mr. Robin Townsend , was to cross first , he took the plastic ticket and we agreed he would arrange to have the ticket divided , and leave my part at your Ostend office .
10 Tolonen described Noorda 's role as one involving strategy and planning rather than day-to-day operations , adding ‘ We have a very strong group of executives — we have looked at various times at succession , ’ although no-one has been designated to succeed .
11 The ideological differences which have emerged no matter how defined by warring factions , are nevertheless traceable , in general , to the differing responses which they have made at those times in their histories when the need to make the decision became manifest .
12 I think we have to remember at all times that we belong to a profession in which there can not be qualifications .
13 There have emerged at different times a number of theories of social psychology or sociology which provide versions of what Schultz ( 1970 : 245–62 ) termed multiple realities .
14 They mainly worked on the final phase of a mapping and mineral exploration programme on the island of Santa Isabel , in which four BGS geologists have worked at various times over a six-year period .
15 Although only a recent feature of modern financial systems , options have existed at various times in the past .
16 Unfortunately , the idea ( which many people have held at different times ) of a national ballet for South Africa has not come to fruition even now , four decades later , any more than the dream which John cherished when working in Germany of forming a national company there .
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