Example sentences of "have [verb] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition to national research council funding for individual country participation , the EUROCOMP comparative project has received support from the Council of Europe , the European Science Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation .
2 Wall Street has been hitting new peaks this week too , which has given support to the London market ( and even Japan 's Nikkei index , in a typically erratic period , has gained nearly 800 points while London added its 245 ) but London has real strengths of its own .
3 AFTER a week mulling over Budget proposals for offshore tax reform , British Petroleum has given support to the Chancellor 's moves to encourage more efficient oil and gas production .
4 Despite all this , Amnesty has attracted support from the more discerning companies .
5 Does not the hon. Gentleman recognise that opinion poll after opinion poll in Scotland has shown support for the quest of the Scottish Constitutional Convention for a Scottish Parliament ?
6 The organisation has garnered support from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and National Science Foundation in the US and from the Esprit project run by the European Commission .
7 The organisation has garnered support from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and National Science Foundation in the US and from the Esprit project run by the European Commission .
8 can I just just pursue that you said said so the if you embarked on another scenario , and you said that the only way in which extra over , that beyond the figure proposed by the County Council , would be by way of a new settlement , I 'm sort of transgressing my own ground rules here , I know that Ryedale has expressed support for the principle of a new settlement , are you saying that you would be looking for a new settlement , possibly in Ryedale ?
9 While environmental groups have over the years been highly critical of pollution caused by coal-fired power stations , in particular the levels of emissions of sulphur dioxide and other gases that cause acid rain , neither Friends of the Earth nor Greenpeace nor other groups has expressed support for the scaling down of the coal industry along the lines proposed by the government .
10 The National Heritage Minister , David Mellor , has expressed support for the project , along with surviving codebreakers .
11 Sequent , for instance , has had to develop support for the VMEbus and streamline its memory functions , as well as modifying device drivers , to get NT running .
12 The Left had fought against fascism since 1933 and had organized support for the Spanish Republican armies since I 936 .
13 The townsmen had secured support from the rural hinterland , and a young knight in the invading force was clubbed to the ground by an English rustic .
14 But there were sourer feelings at Glasgow , which came out as Scotland 's second research institution , lagging significantly behind its main rival in the capital , and Aberdeen had to receive support from the funding ‘ safety net , ’ designed to avoid a reduction in this year 's budget .
15 Matthei had welcomed the Rettig human rights report in March and had offered support for the government 's policy of national reconciliation [ see p. 38095 ] .
16 Liberian accusations to the effect that the Côte d'Ivoire government had provided support for the rebels put a strain on relations between the two countries , the Liberian ambassador in Abidjan being withdrawn " for consultations " in early January .
17 The government was , also , committed to a private sector as , in its manifesto , it had pledged support for the small businessman , of whom there were many in Chile .
18 Christon Tembo and three other officers accused of high treason [ for start of trial in November 1989 see p. 37142 ] , an Army officer giving evidence as a state witness claimed that President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe had pledged support for the plotters before their planned coup attempt in October 1988 [ see p. 36264 ] .
19 The Belorussian president , Nikolai Dementei , who had expressed support for the coup , resigned on 25 August , and the republican parliament voted shortly afterwards in favour of the ‘ political and economic independence of Belorussia ’ .
20 The viability of the buy-back option was thought to be dependent on the availability of new loans especially from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , both of which had expressed support for the agreement , and also from the Japanese Export-Import Bank and the Spanish government .
21 Byelorussia 's President , Nikolai Dementei , who had expressed support for the coup , resigned on Aug. 25 , and the Supreme Soviet voted to declare " the political and economic independence of Byelorussia " .
22 ( The Iraqi News Agency was quoted as reporting on Aug. 3 that Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid , at a meeting with the Iraqi and Yemeni delegations in Istanbul on Aug. 3 , had expressed support for the ending of the blockade . )
23 In August the KKE had expressed support for the attempted coup against Soviet President Gorbachev , and Papariga now declared that the process of perestroika " which has been presented as the political restructuring of socialism , is in fact a most savage … restoration of capitalism " .
24 With several modifications , such varied anthropologists as D. Forde [ 1948 ] , M. Fortes ] 1953 ] , and M. Sahlins [ 1961 ] have given support to the view that segmentary systems , the modern anthropological equivalent of Morgan 's ‘ gentile systems ’ , seem to occur in societies with similar technologies and they are by and large of the type postulated in The Origin .
25 Similarly , the prevention of further episodes of self-poisoning or self-injury continues to be a problem , and while retrospective investigations have given support to the policy of psychiatric intervention , prospective studies have failed to demonstrate any effect on repetition rates .
26 He is scathing in his attacks on those French politicians , journalists and writers who " have collaborated in word and deed with the policies of Hitler " , and who " at critical moments have given support to the guiding principles of these policies : antisemitism , anti-communism , anti-democracy , hegemonic mission of the Reich in Europe , national-socialist " pacifism " .
27 We also have to provide support for the A N C for thirty years a banned organization having to start from scratch in a country where the majority is supported but having no party officers or structures in place because if we suspend support to them or reduce it it will be like having no support of them all this time and just when the bird is about to fly you clip its wings .
28 To do both these we have to find support for the idea .
29 In all other cases we have to find support in the literature , in what other people have done or in our own experience .
30 We have in the past raised this through the er Association of County Councils in the education side , with and we , there was quite a lot of support , and also have had support in the past from er , Kenneth Carlyle and Douglas Howe erm who were , supported the view , er which was particularly in relation to youth training , as this is more adult training we 're talking about here .
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