Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] order to " in BNC.

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1 The mask she has to wear in order to be accepted as an equal is seen to be seriously flawed .
2 The basic pruning principle , therefore , should be to remove wood as soon as it has flowered in order to dived energy into the production of good strong stems to carry the next year 's bloom .
3 The quota is the smallest number of votes the candidate has to get in order to be sure of getting a seat .
4 Others may surprise you by being woefully unprepared and you may find yourself taking the initiative more often than you might have expected in order to be able to put across as many of your good points as possible .
5 She had nothing planned , unless it was to go to a cinema show with Jules , and even if she had , there was nothing she would not have cancelled in order to be with Harry .
6 Ryan raises one of the questions the movie will have to answer in order to be successful : whether or not creativity gives you a licence to search and destroy .
7 Mozart 's perception and understanding of the female psyche is especially illuminating in this piece and Jane Leslie MacKenzie 's sad and tense characterisation of the Countess was extremely plausible , if lacking in the real sense of fun which the lady must have had in order to be drawn into the intrigues in the first place .
8 You may provide one of the selection criteria to indicate the status the SPRs must have attained in order to be included in the listing .
9 You may provide one of the selection criteria to indicate the status the SPRs must have attained in order to be included in the listing .
10 You may provide one of the selection criteria to indicate the status the SPRs must have attained in order to be included in the listing .
11 Before turning to the work of Sayre , Dennett and Sloman , I should at least mention one major question that has been left unasked in this paper , and intentionally so : namely , what properties would a machine have to have in order to be sufficient for us to deem it conscious ?
12 In essence , these created rebates on contributions to occupational schemes and reduced the requirements they had to meet in order to be officially ‘ approved ’ .
13 The Tyne yards have lived from order to order with a steadily decreasing total work force .
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