Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [art] particular " in BNC.

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1 However one chooses to interpret it , the mystical experience has been a fact of life , once human consciousness has developed to a particular point .
2 The Oxford Polytechnic scheme is sui generis : the extent to which it has developed in a particular context of constraints and opportunities makes many of the decisions it has made and many of the systems it has adopted difficult to transfer to other institutional frameworks .
3 How this relationship has been perceived by both partners has depended on the particular historical and economic context .
4 The difficulty in transferring contracts arises because the basic rule is that the vendor can not be excused from the burden of its contractual obligations by assigning or otherwise purporting to transfer to the purchaser the obligation to perform the duties it has undertaken under a particular contract .
5 Arthur N. Gilbert has written about a particular instance of the way social and political crisis provokes renewed urgency in the policing of sexual deviance .
6 Whilst some preliminary evaluation of local enterprise agencies has taken place , none has focused on the particular conditions of business development in rural areas .
7 So it is not yet possible to say with absolute certainty , using evoked potentials that are correlated with reports of conscious mental events , whether or not an individual external event has resulted in a particular mental event .
8 This distinction has been widely overlooked in modern missionary strategy to the extent that when a church has resulted in a particular country , it has been assumed that an adequate base for evangelisation has been established .
9 This somewhat confusing diversity can best be illustrated by examining what has happened in a particular region , the East Midlands ( Figure 5.2 ) .
10 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
11 On another occasion , Phil Morris knew that , had Laura been consulted , she would never have agreed to a particular print being produced with a border .
12 As far as identity is concerned , this does not involve looking primarily for some smug sense of having arrived at a particular social position .
13 My Lords , section 87 does not stipulate that the successor must have resided at a particular house for 12 months but only that he should have resided with the deceased tenant for that period .
14 Indeed their background as Greek intellectuals would have made it nonsensical to them to have said of a particular item in our world ( a particular human being ) that he was ‘ God ’ .
15 The nature of the benefit which the employer is said to have derived from a particular invention is readily ascertainable if the employee can show that the employer is in receipt of royalty payments from licensees who have been permitted to develop , manufacture and market the patented article or process .
16 It was important , for instance , to know how the salary profile of Company A or the age profile of Division B had altered over a particular period .
17 But you 've got to prove that they are a suspected person — they had to belong to a particular class of person to be classed as a suspected person .
18 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
19 Because when I read the leaflet on that crucial afternoon , it turned out that I could n't start swallowing the pills on any old day : the course had to begin at a particular point in my menstrual cycle .
20 The ballot will be secret and neither the names of those who have voted for a particular candidate nor the names of those who have abstained from voting shall be disclosed by the scrutineers .
21 Do not feel that you have to persist with a particular type of pressed flower work if you are not happy with it .
22 Oh , I 'm not suggesting that these groups , if they come together and mix will cause problems , I 'm suggesting that if there is only one kind of person that 's attracted to a particular site and that type of person happens to be socially irresponsible , then then you 're it 's a recipe for disaster , is n't it ?
23 If you have come with a particular ache or pain , do not expect it to disappear straight away .
24 For example , questions of relevance only to married women can be prefaced by a general question about marital status followed by an instruction for those who have answered in a particular way to move to the relevant subset .
25 Once you have decided upon the particular requirements of your organisation , then you can consider the size of computer you need .
26 Often people become accustomed to odours especially those arising from works which have operated in a particular vicinity for a long time .
27 This is where the future lies however you have to deal with the particular problems of Maastricht and all the rest and on this side , and it really was very moving that , in a way by chance , but you know again I believe I think sometimes God is in you better of course
28 In drama a number of people agree to abstract from what they know of the ‘ hiding ’ function and to combine that knowledge with what they have understood about a particular ‘ hiding ’ context , say , King Charles and his followers hiding from the Roundheads ( hiders are therefore labelled Cavaliers , and the seekers Roundheads ) and to behave ‘ as if ’ only that function mattered .
29 The way in which particular individuals have reacted to a particular restraint , and how this in turn has affected their general social behaviour and attitudes , has no firm rules which can be laid down .
30 Let us assume that we have fixed on a particular language .
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