Example sentences of "have [verb] [noun sg] for money " in BNC.

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1 Their information requirements would be similar and all oversight bodies should also require financial and related statistical information in order to determine that the particular organization being reviewed has provided value for money .
2 Sunderland Council has been praised by the district auditor in his annual appraisal where he pointed to several areas where the council had given value for money .
3 I have to pick tea for money to buy food .
4 But he believes that ‘ the report clearly indicates that , as far as taxpayers are concerned — and given the difficulties of operating in one of the most hostile parts of the planet — they have had value for money ’ .
5 ‘ Normally clients wo n't get the feeling they have had value for money unless they have had a disaster and the lawyer has got them out of it , ’ said , one of the senior partners in Biggart Baillie Gifford 's company and commercial department .
6 All the same , they have to represent value for money , and while they might not score too highly under professional or even semi-professional scrutiny , they are certainly worth their asking price .
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