Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 Thus has come about the present status of evolution of which man is the apparent culmination but not the real summit ; for he is himself a transitional being and stands at the turning point of the whole movement . ’
2 Poverty among older women in Britain has endured to the present day , despite the significant political commitment given to pensions in the 1970s , which culminated in the legislation in 1975 introducing the state earnings-related pension ( SERP ) scheme and in the series of pledges to uprate pensions in line with earnings or prices whichever was the greater ( Walker , 1985a ) , policies which did result in some improvement in the relative position of older people in the national income distribution ( see below ) .
3 There would then be a contest between the only two Tories whose stature has risen in the present dismal campaign , Michael Heseltine and Kenneth Clarke .
4 Its psychogenic origin was reaffirmed with the descriptions of Ryle , Sheldon , Berkman , and Venables in the 1930s , a point of view that has predominated to the present time .
5 If the hon. Gentleman examines measures of GDP per head and compares this country with France , Germany or Italy , he will find that the gap widened under the last Labour Government and has closed under the present Government .
6 While no radical shift in the distribution of the British people at the macro-regional scale has occurred during the present century , the settlement pattern has displayed a dynamism that has proved difficult to forecast .
7 It is arguable that this interest has intensified under the present Conservative government .
8 It has preserved to the present day its architectural setting and character , and its medieval town walls ( twelfth and fifteenth century ) are an exceptionally complete example of their period .
9 It is this ‘ reductionism ’ , this disavowal of complexity for the sake of pursuing moral certainties or political ideals , which has lead to the present crisis of antiracist education .
10 I am saying that , as an organisation , it can not cope with the work it has to do at the present time .
11 In stamping the image of the ‘ dark , satanic mills ’ on English consciousness , he articulated a deep-rooted aversion to industry that has persisted to the present day .
12 Thus in Europe , the mystical Kabbalism of Isaac Luria ( d. 1572 ) had a deep and enduring influence on the thought and spirituality of Jews which has persisted to the present day , even though it may seem far in spirit from the Talmud .
13 He has been one of the very few Serbs to have the courage to speak out against the kind of fanatical Serbian nationalism which has led to the present war .
14 This practice has continued to the present day and over the years many of the field geologists became recognised petrographers .
15 Significant vertical uplift probably began in the Oligocene about 35 Ma ago and has continued to the present time , but at varying rates .
16 Over most of the Zechstein basin , burial has continued until the present day but at some localities the carbonates have been uplifted , exposed and even eroded .
17 Power has alternated in the present century between civilian , military and coalition civilian-military governments , mostly involving the Liberal Party of Honduras ( Partido Liberal de Honduras — PLH ) or the conservative National Party ( Partido Nacional — PN ) .
18 Stewart is a traveller , one of the people of the road — among them , tinkers , pipers and folk-singers — in whom an oral culture has survived to the present day .
19 The earliest form of printed book illustration was the woodcut , and the art , with varying fortunes , has survived to the present day , so that the collector has more than five centuries to survey and a range of skill , from the superb work of Albrecht Dürer ( 1481–1504 ) to the charming absurdities of the chapbook printers , who inserted the same cuts in different publications with a reckless disregard for subject and appropriateness .
20 The policy of keeping the membership subscriptions low has survived to the present time , despite the improvement in the economic circumstances of the deaf community as a whole .
21 The western hamlet has survived with the present parish church of St Nicholas .
22 If there had been no political factor in the equation , it is unlikely that Profumo would have been ruined in the way he was and tortured for years by a newspaper interest which has survived until the present day .
23 Undoubtedly , the two interrelated movements — the democratic movement and the labour movement which developed so vigorously in the nineteenth century continue to have a major influence in politics , but the relation between them has changed during the present century , in a way which is also relevant to the character of more recent movements .
24 Curiously , one pre eminent group of creatures that included not only the dinosaurs but birds and humans — a group that has lasted to the present day — was the bipedal or two-legged walking variety that had a group of sense organs at one end .
25 This belief has lasted to the present day ; and , in revenge , we should round up all the people who made these awful hippy records and make them read old Charlatans interviews until they beg for mercy and we hurl them into a well filled with angry weasels .
26 The death sentence is the best sentence a court of law could have imposed under the present circumstances .
27 At least two other specific developments could have contributed to the present sea-bird problem .
28 It follows that , apart from the question of the impact of Community law , such is the discretion which the courts should have exercised in the present case .
29 Indeed , it is a power of that nature which the revenue claim to have exercised in the present case , in the course of their general function of managing and administering the tax system .
30 The only large British World War Two surface warship to have survived to the present day , HMS Belfast , is located on the Thames , just west of Tower Bridge .
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