Example sentences of "in the first world war " in BNC.

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1 The commemoration of the dead in the First World War was seen as a triumphalist commemoration of those who died for Britain .
2 Churchill had at moments in the First World War manifested great strategic prescience ; his intuition swung into action even more powerfully the second time round .
3 For a man whom Rebecca West , a contemporary Balkan observer , called ‘ repulsive ’ and ‘ treacherous ’ for deserting his Serbian son-in-law , King Alexander , in the First World War , it is a sepia-tinted view of history .
4 Like Jim Larkin said in the First World War , ‘ Hang the Kaiser and all his relatives ’ , ' he said .
5 Armstrong fought in the First World War and was a war artist in the Second , sharing with other Surrealists the challenge of creating a pattern out of devastation .
6 Do you know , in the first World War , when he was Commander-in-Chief , they put up wooden statues of him in all the towns and you could pay and hammer a nail in it !
7 But it was also a throwback to a form of behaviour which , however natural it might have seemed to officer cadets in the First World War , was excruciatingly embarrassing to succeeding generations of Magdalen men .
8 It lists every ship in the British Grand Fleet in the First World War . ’
9 The defeat of Wilhelmine Germany in the first world war led to the setting up of the Weimar Republic in 1919 , a constitutional settlement many believe was doomed .
10 And they had fought for their country in 1939 when the Irish Republic remained neutral which was , after all , just what one could expect of rebels who had taken advantage of Britain 's involvement in the First World War to stage the 1916 Easter Rising .
11 Their own experiences at the Front , and the fact that in many of their villages and townships heavier losses had already been recorded than in the First World War , contradicted what Hitler had had to say .
12 THE town of Albert was reduced to rubble in the First World War and rebuilt in the 1920s .
13 Early in the First World War substantial numbers of Czech and Slovak troops went over to the Allied side .
14 The one on the north wall is for the men of the cavalry regiments from the Krems area who fell in the First World War .
15 For Bury was an Army Town ; not like Aldershot or Pirbright : just a modest place which had , at one point in its life , slowly bled to death from the loss of its young men in the First World War .
16 COLONEL FRANK MORGAN , who has died aged 99 , served with the Imperial Camel Corps in the campaigns against the Turks in the First World War , and with the Royal Corps of Signals in the Second .
17 ARCHIE BINDING , who has died aged 105 , was perhaps the last survivor of those Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corps airmen who crewed airships in the First World War .
18 He fought in the first World War and died in the Aegean in 1915 at the age of 27 .
19 So far as I am aware , no writer on Ultra has noted the comparison between the Coventry affair and an episode in the First World War when secret intelligence was apparently neglected in order to protect the source .
20 So , similarly , in the First World War , we assumed proudly as an accolade of honour the Kaiser 's ridicule of the first British Expeditionary Force as that ‘ contemptible little army ’ .
21 He too is remembered for his prowess as a disabled golfer having lost his left arm , and part of his right arm below the elbow — probably in the First World War .
22 Thus , the reforms started a course which was the precise opposite of the emperor 's intention — moves to resist centralization , indeed , to secure greater decentralization , a process which ultimately led to the division of the empire in a Dual Monarchy , and ultimately its disintegration in the first World War .
23 Thus , the workers ’ movement was already showing the disintegration which was fully accomplished in the destruction of the empire in the First World War .
24 The Lincolnshire ones lost all their sons in the first World War , except one invalid one , and became rather impoverished , and the Norfolk Baileys hung on to a lot of the money .
25 Serbia , which bad been semi-independent from 1817 and fully independent from 1878 , and which had played a considerable part in the First World War ( and suffered enormous losses ) , was the nucleus of the new state .
26 Of course , people might point to the generals in the First World War and say , rightly , that they were a bunch of ancient Blimps .
27 She has toured Driving Miss Daisy and is now starring in a Rodney Ackland play at Richmond called The Dark River , playing an elderly schoolteacher whose son was killed in the First World War .
28 A Thirties scene with modern streamlined cars passing the massive war memorial constructed with the profits from shell-making by the Tramways Department in the First World War .
29 The canal was never a commercial success , though it was made deeper after Telford 's death , but it is still open , and in the First World War it served the strategic purpose for which it had not been needed during the Napoleonic Wars : 70,000 mines were shipped through it , mainly by the U.S. Navy , to protect Allied merchant shipping against German U-boats .
30 Reminiscences of the trenches in the First World War or Stockton-upon-Tees in the twenties and thirties ( his favourite standbys ) did not fit the occasion .
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