Example sentences of "in protest at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some 2,000 people took part on March 8 in what were described as the biggest demonstrations in Tonga in living memory , in protest at a decision to grant citizenship to more than 400 foreigners .
2 A general strike was called on Oct. 8 in protest at a decision of the French government 's Bureau of Ecological Studies ( BRGM ) to grant mining rights to the South African mining company Gencor .
3 The duke resigned in protest at a government bill containing proposals which could force landlords to sell the freeholds of flats to leaseholders .
4 In Asturias strike action began in late December 1991 in all the mines owned by the state company Hunosa ( the biggest employer in the region , which had made a loss of 65,000 million ptas — US$674 million — in 1991 ) in protest at a restructuring plan which would involve the loss of 6,000 jobs by the end of 1993 at a saving of only 15,000 million ptas .
5 DAILY TELEGRAPH journalists yesterday began an immediate 36-hour strike , in protest at a package of compulsory redundancies and the introduction of contracts featuring a flexible five-day week requiring staff to work Saturdays and Sundays .
6 The government 's Minister for Humanitarian Affairs , seconded from the Chadian Human Rights League , criticized Interior Ministry officials in connection with the shootings and resigned in protest at the killings .
7 Eric Skoglund , the environmental officer on the UN-sponsored Mekong Committee , has resigned in protest at the committee 's determination to go ahead with the building of a huge dam on the Thai-Laotian border " regardless of the potential environmental costs " .
8 His suicide , in protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the forces of the Warsaw Pact — only Romania declined to participate - seemed to catch at the Western conscience as somehow symbolic of those dreadful days , though it produced no result other than a further deepening of the Cold War .
9 In November a student died after police entered the Kwaluseni campus of the University of Swaziland to end a student boycott , held in protest at the conviction of two students for PUDEMO membership .
10 The almost unanimous electoral abstention of CNT members in November 1933 , in protest at the shortcomings of Republican reformism and the repressiveness of the Azaña governments towards the CNT itself , contributed significantly to the left 's defeat .
11 The union was invited to talks by BR after Monday 's vote by members of RMT , the biggest rail union , to strike in protest at the threat of compulsory job losses .
12 Strict economic sanctions were imposed by the United States government on Oct. 29 in protest at the Sept. 30 military coup which deposed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide [ see p. 38430 ] .
13 The Moslem contingent had withdrawn from the EC talks on May 27 in protest at the attack on civilians in Sarajevo [ see p. 38919 ] .
14 In November 1985 he resigned from the government in protest at the signing that month of the Anglo-Irish Agreement [ see pp. 34070-73 ] , stating that he could not support the government 's change of policy on Northern Ireland , including " the involvement of a foreign power in a consultative role in the administration of the province " , which he claimed would prolong and not diminish " Ulster 's agony " [ see p. 34072 ] .
15 In 1951 Burgess and Maclean fled to Moscow ; Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson resigned from the Labour government in protest at the imposition of charges within the National Health Service , which they saw as an attack on the principles of the Welfare State .
16 Their defence lawyers stayed away in protest at the toughening of Algeria 's tough anti-terrorist law .
17 The Royal College of Nursing is to lobby Parliament on 24 October in protest at the Government 's plans to shake up the National Health Service , the union has announced .
18 Mr Endara , looking drawn from a 16-day-hunger strike in protest at the government refusal to recognise his victory in May 's annulled election , was unharmed but two aides at the Liberal Party office , which serves as the opposition coalition headquarters , were arrested .
19 Ariel " Arik " Sharon , the Israeli Cabinet 's leading " hawk " , resigned unexpectedly on Feb. 12 in protest at the government 's Palestinian policy .
20 Attacks for which the November 17 Revolutionary Organization claimed responsibility included : ( i ) the bombing on Feb. 22 , 1989 , of three empty luxury homes in Athens in protest at the government 's housing policy which had led to greatly increased rents ; and ( ii ) bomb attacks on May 15 , 1990 , which caused a fire and a total electricity failure in a wealthy Athens suburb .
21 Riot police broke up a demonstration in protest at the government 's response but most teachers returned to work when the schools reopened on March 5 .
22 Throughout October high-caste youths continued to kill themselves in protest at the government 's plan .
23 Gen. O. P. Malhotra resigned as Governor of Punjab on Aug. 5 in protest at the government 's last minute postponement of elections in the state in mid-June [ see p. 38286 ; see p. 37915 for Malhotra 's appointment in December 1990 ] .
24 On March 19 demonstrations were held by over 100,000 students nationwide in protest at the government 's planned reforms — intended to reduce the high failure rate among first degree students — which students maintained would made the university system more selective .
25 Kinga , himself a southerner , said that he had resigned in protest at the government 's intention to " Islamicize " the south and also at the " persecution " of " hundreds of thousands of displaced southerners " in the region around Khartoum .
26 Of 10,000,000 workers polled , only 10 per cent said that they would support a strike in protest at the government 's economic policies , although 86 per cent expressed willingness to participate in protest demonstrations .
27 On Sept. 24 in Brussels Belgian Foreign Affairs Minister Willy Claes agreed with his Zäirean counterpart , Pierre Lumbi , to resume Belgian bilateral assistance ; this had been frozen in May 1990 in protest at the government 's handling of student demonstrations , when some 50 students died [ see p. 37553 ] .
28 A French radio report of Dec. 15 said that the Education Minister , Muhammad Abdullah al-Jayfi , had resigned in protest at the government 's handling of the economy .
29 Thousands of health workers are marching through the centre of London in protest at the Government 's health reforms .
30 Two senior scientists have resigned from leading British conservation bodies in protest at the government 's interference , which they claimed undermined their independence and the quality of advice on conservation available to them .
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