Example sentences of "in order [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to record the brain 's activity at the scalp at least two electrodes are required .
2 Laurentius discussed the problem with his dentist Mr van Hugten and together they experimented with various methods of X-ray photography and beta-radiography in order to record the structure of the laid paper accurately , without interference from the ink .
3 The essence of Buchanan 's position was the belief that US conservatism was isolationist by nature , and that this stance had been abandoned after 1945 only in order to combat the menace of international communism .
4 Mark : In order to combat the spread of AIDS among gay men specifically there 's a need for more communication , and a greater amount of closeness and explicitness about issues between us .
5 It was only the unnatural methods they used in order to combat the problem which were wrong .
6 Immediately after the election , however , the party in government will find it necessary and politically safe to raise unemployment in order to combat the inflation that was itself set in train by the politically engineered pre-election boom .
7 It campaigned for free universal state pensions for everyone over the age of 65 , in order to combat the poverty created by the rejection of older workers by employers on the grounds of age .
8 He suggested that in order to take the decision , organizations could most usefully be categorized in one of three different ways :
9 Some widows who have been moderate social drinkers begin to drink more during bereavement , in order to take the edge off their emotional pain ; but this of course creates more problems than it ever solves , so you should never encourage your elderly parent to start taking ‘ tonic ’ wine for her ‘ nerves ’ or a tot of whisky at night to help her to sleep , for you may be helping her to establish a habit that can easily get out of control and become very hard to break .
10 He was held not guilty of robbery because the threats were not made in order to take the money .
11 Gohlke has written thoughtfully about the way in which photographs can appear to embrace features of the past , the present and the future : " Projecting oneself into the future so that one can view the present with more apparent dispassion , and projecting an image of the past onto the future in order to take the measure of the present are different strategies .
12 It is , indeed , doubtful how much help Gloucester could have commanded explicitly in order to take the throne : some , almost certainly , but much ( if not most ) of the backing he enjoyed was given to the protector for the maintenance of stability — a distinction of which Gloucester himself seems not to have been fully conscious .
13 It is , indeed , doubtful how much help Gloucester could have commanded explicitly in order to take the throne : some , almost certainly , but much ( if not most ) of the backing he enjoyed was given to the protector for the maintenance of stability — a distinction of which Gloucester himself seems not to have been fully conscious .
14 Students intending to resit an examination will normally return to the centre where they originally studied in order to take the resit examination .
15 Measures to correct this imbalance largely consisted of a manipulation of interest rates upwards in order to take the steam out of the economy and stem consumer spending ( largely on imported consumer durables ) .
16 Answer guide : This question needs to be split up into its constituent parts in order to take the student through the progression logically .
17 You checked out , or even ran away without paying your bill for all I know , in order to take the train .
18 Aggressive people , on the other hand , may deny the error and argue or criticize back in order to take the attention away from themselves .
19 In order to extend the discussion beyond the sphere we must introduce a definition of curvature valid for any such surface .
20 It is now commonplace to say that the Thatcher governments have had to be highly interventionist in order to extend the market , increase the rights of consumers , and reduce producer power .
21 A staff development interview often reveals that the teacher , once settled in , wants to do more in order to extend the interest and the responsibility of teaching .
22 My bill falls into two parts , one which deals with the need for a full franchise it is sometimes mistakenly believed that we already have a full franchise in this country , but whereas legislation was passed in the past in order to extend the franchise , in recent years we have let matters slip considerably on the methods that are used for registration and no longer can we claim to have that full franchise .
23 More than one part can be entered into that working drawing in order to display the interaction of assembled parts or those which may have a tendency to clash .
24 Nevertheless they should have no place in pure classical ballets because they are largely acrobatic , and as such have a place only in certain modern works which discard the old conventions in order to display the athleticism and freedom of movement that today 's choreographers use as part of their material .
25 Surely a far more significant gesture by the government towards Britain 's immigrant community would be a hefty grant for the proposed Indian museum in Bradford , which the V&A wants to create in order to display the nation 's holdings of Indian art , mostly in store since the closure of the Indian Museum in 1947 .
26 In order to promote the idea of rebirthing , some K dealers are providing jars of babyfood and dummies to drive the point home .
27 Last November , I visited Vietnam , Hong Kong , Japan and Korea in order to promote the United Kingdom 's wide-ranging expertise in the energy sector .
28 Can evidence from friends/competitors within the trade be obtained in order to promote the case ?
29 Rather than striving for an impossible , and ultimately sterile , objectivity , scholars will increasingly need to follow Mary Louise Pratt 's example in admitting their own ideological commitments in order to promote the development of research .
30 These he is at pains to hide in order to promote the fiction of his rise from rags to riches .
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