Example sentences of "in [noun] at the moment " in BNC.

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1 This is picture-by-picture finance , depending on such chancy things as the tastes of producers and directors , or a type of story in vogue at the moment ( a spy boom brings filmmakers to Europe ; a Western boom could drive them home ) .
2 Placards do seem to be in vogue at the moment : there is a pastiche of Bob Dylan 's ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues ’ lyrics-on-cards promo film in Bob Roberts and super photographer Steven Meisel used slogans on white cards in a recent celebrity shoot for Italian Vogue .
3 I think its the pressure 's you see in er magazines at the moment its the , the full lip look , you know , erm , that certain models have sort of erm put in Vogue at the moment and
4 Our big problem is that we have over thirty million pounds ' worth of schemes actually in building at the moment , and of course you ca n't stop those without wasting a , an enormous amount of money , so we 're carrying on with those .
5 The concerns that I have are that when the road does go in that it does protect and it does in fact more of a protection by being there than it is in actual fact in existence at the moment .
6 Fig. 2 ( p. 6 ) shows the major land uses in Sussex at the moment .
7 Where there is change in progress at the moment , we have found that it is manifested in all these vowels as a pattern of lengthening ( or ‘ tensing ’ ) of previously short vowels .
8 No civilian radar satellite is in orbit at the moment , though the US Seasat produced much valuable imagery during its shod lifetime in 1978 .
9 I know you 've got none fit in Munster at the moment , but hopefully the Lads in the Power Pack Section can make something of the ones we 've just lifted .
10 It 's not just that , it 's something that people make , like they make cakes or clubs , or anything else , and this is the interesting thing in religion at the moment , the relativization which scares people , of course , who want it to be an absolute authority which they can just debase themselves before .
11 I think we 're doing decimals in schools at the moment .
12 ‘ The fact he 's making a living in the game now is a sad reflection on the lack of true quality in football at the moment .
13 Ken Smith 4-strings are about two grand , but I do n't have any in stock at the moment .
14 Well that 's what he says they 've got in stock at the moment .
15 erm which we do , which we have n't got in stock at the moment , but we can always get hold of
16 Building societies are going easy on customers in arrears at the moment because their selling many more repossessed homes in this market would simply drive prices down even further .
17 Erm , would the er spokesman not agree that there is a crisis in secure accommodation in Leicestershire at the moment due entirely to the stance of the Labour and Liberal parties on this authority .
18 Lamb is another minor casualty ; he is all right to bat , but he can only throw in underarm at the moment because of a niggle , which at first was thought to be a reaction to an inoculation , but is now believed to be a minor ligament problem .
19 He 's in Scotland at the moment , on holiday with Em . ’
20 Touche Ross , the best young talent in Scotland at the moment , will start favourites , but with the league championship basically now a dream as far as Grange are concerned , this clash will undoubtedly lift them for what promises to be their most important game of the season .
21 Erm who was one of hers who returned to the area is in Wetherby at the moment .
22 Many adults are being baptised in Russia at the moment .
23 However , this does not matter much , since the book has to be printed and that is not so simple in Russia at the moment .
24 Punch , in particular Bargepole 's column , is the only thing keeping me in England at the moment .
25 ‘ I also know , ’ he went on , ‘ that he 's in England at the moment .
26 He 's in England at the moment .
27 This time the District Councils collect it from Community Charges payers , and whether you had a rating systems in place at the moment , or whether you have Community Charge , Bob and his high spending friends would still have to rein in their expenditure and recognise that the people of Oxfordshire can not keep paying for his profligacy .
28 ‘ We 've got grounds for believing that your life is in danger at the moment and … ’
29 Local government seems to have the upper hand on matters of censorship in libraries at the moment , and national Government often intervenes decisively on major professional issues in professional medicine .
30 She was n't sure whether there were any artists or writers in town at the moment , but there were bound to be one or two back in the city after the Christmas recess .
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