Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] the whole " in BNC.

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1 Since school reports can stand separately from this it is possible to revise present reporting systems in preparation for the whole National Curriculum to come on stream .
2 In other words , marriage is a picture in miniature of the whole realm of the Gospel .
3 Surely it helped with the welcomes they received all down the river with locals for ever insisting they come in for meals , to stay , to be guests of honour in parties for the whole town , to be driven round and shown the sights and to have their strange English accents listened to .
4 The slave trade can not be considered in isolation from the whole Atlantic economy .
5 The following version is useful to give children the opportunity to channel excess energy — everybody is in action for the whole time it is being played .
6 The project will therefore seek to identify the main implications of the trend towards the Regulatory State and is intended to be the first step towards a major research programme investigating the potentials and problems of regulation in practice across the whole spectrum of what we used to describe as the Welfare State .
7 The casualty rate so far was no more than might have been expected from the hazardous nature of the operation , and although he could not , in all honesty , say he was in command of the whole ship , he at least held the strategic upper hand .
8 The Fifth Army command had been streamlined , with General von Mudra placed in command of the whole Right Bank , and General von Gallwitz brought back from the Balkans to command the Left Bank sector .
9 The chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote that at the Council of Oxford in 1227 , ‘ the King caused to be cancelled and annulled all the charters of liberties of the forest , although they had already been in force in the whole realm for two years ’ : the earls who rebelled in July were said to have compelled the king to restore the charters by the threat of armed force .
10 The money they wanted for us to use it even just a weekend was absolutely ridiculous which to me seems in opposition to the whole idea of the borough .
11 For example , the activity might be the teacher in exposition to the whole class ( E ) , or in exposition to a group of 10 pupils ( E10 ) .
12 However , in keeping with the whole approach of Fast Forward , the emphasis in the Classbook is always on communicative work in class , while the Resource Book concentrates on text analysis and grammar practice .
13 Even in the corn-exchange of a country town on a market-day the equilibrium price is affected by calculations of the future relations of production and consumption ; while in the leading corn-markets of America and Europe dealings for future delivery already predominate and are rapidly weaving into one web all the leading threads of trade in corn throughout the whole world .
14 ‘ I was the only kid in sandals in the whole neighbourhood . ’
15 The House itself will take a decision on the matter later this evening when the Question will be put whether the Bill should or should not be considered in Committee of the whole House .
16 In its truest sense , it must be a change in philosophy for the whole business .
17 Good God , you think , I 'd never have thought Bailey would be in charge of the whole South East Asia operation , you say to yourself .
18 They are the director , who comes from the production company , is in charge of the whole operation , and is the real expert ; the lighting cameraman , whose job is highly skilled and is exactly what it sounds like , and whose expertise will totally influence the visual texture of the film ; and the agency 's producer ( or creative group head ) whose job is to ensure that the director fully covers the brief , and to make any awkward decisions that may be needed .
19 Using a nearby police Constable 's pocket radio he spoke to the Superintendent in charge of the whole tournament operation .
20 It 's an occasion bristling with tradition — women in long hemlines and men in blazers and ties — but there is one major change this year which even the man in charge of the whole event can only approve of .
21 ‘ As for the shops , let Lesley Jones who runs Beauchamp Place shop be in charge of the whole chain .
22 Off Ian pedalled , to arrive at the pub a few seconds before Sally , but having been companions in adversity throughout the whole way , neither was going to claim outright victory , so agreed to declare a draw .
23 I quote it in full , in tribute to the whole glorious regiment of women shoppers , firm of purpose and knowing exactly what they want :
24 The C.P.V.E. must be seen in conjunction with the whole thrust of Government initiatives in the area of vocational training and in particular of its T.V.E.I. schemes .
25 I was so much convinced that I should get Roux 's result in all its features , that even in spite of the whole blastula , I now expected the next morning would reveal to me the half-organization of my subject once more ; the gut , I supposed , might come out quite on one side of it , as a half-tube , and the ring of cells might be a half one also .
26 From there it is a comparatively small step for you to take on a role in a piece of forum theatre , and then on to working in role with the whole class .
27 Initially there was an increase in the number of boats passing through Foxton , but this quickly abated , and there was no effective increase in traffic during the whole life of the lift .
28 The falconer had authority and poise , she remained in control of the whole operation , and her attention was with the bird at each second of its flight — all while delivering a running commentary !
29 Yeah she 's in control of the whole situation
30 Instead , they were left with their deeply-rooted faith in ‘ humanism ’ which was to be derived from citizenship , and this encouraged them to think in terms of the whole person , rather than training for specific trades .
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