Example sentences of "in [art] months [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the months since the December Maastricht summit complications had arisen in several EC countries , not least because of uncertainties surrounding general elections in Italy and the United Kingdom ; Belgium had formed a government only in March , following its November 1991 election .
2 In the months after the training day , the new-found freedom of LMS allowed considerable restructuring to take place .
3 ‘ I spent a lot of time speaking with Jean-Claude Olivier [ chief of French Yamaha importers Sonauto and their GP team ] in the months after the last GP .
4 These feminist differences surfaced in a more extreme form in the months after the passing of the act .
5 In the months before the Fair , Sansyusya , a publisher playing a leading role in Japanese disc development and influential in the original Electronic Book Committee of Japan , announced the formation of the International Electronic Book Publishers Committee ( IEBPC ) .
6 And he has compared her situation to that of Princess Diana in the months before the announcement of the Wales 's separation .
7 In his report , Judge Tumim said the prison had been very close to anarchy in the months before the riot .
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