Example sentences of "in [noun sg] to improve [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In part , these studies have been designed to improve scientific knowledge of river systems and in part to improve the ability of hydrologists to forecast how changes in land use , for example through increasing urbanization , will affect river levels ( though the two are not necessarily distinct — improved scientific knowledge generally leads to improved accuracy in forecasting ) .
2 Together , these policies and policy statements reflect an overwhelming official concern in the current period of high unemployment with the position of young people in the labour market and , conversely , a lack of interest in action to improve the employment prospects of older workers .
3 Nevertheless an object , resting on the ground by its own weight alone , can be a fixture , if it be so heavy that there is no need to tie it into a foundation , and if it were put in place to improve the realty
4 For instance the responsibilities of the four officers were rearranged to reflect the structure of the first resolution conceptual model ; the OIC personally addressed the issue of developing performance indicators for the system as a whole and the associated sub-systems ; and measures were put in hand to improve the handover of information about residents between shifts .
5 The National Library of Scotland is collaborating with the British Library and the other legal deposit libraries of the British Isles in a pilot project of shared cataloguing in order to improve the currency and coverage of catalogue records for British books by sharing the responsibility for the creation of those records .
6 Links were made and any experiences that black groups have had with the CAB were identified ; the work of the CAB was described and help was enlisted from the black community in order to improve the services that the CAB could offer them .
7 The question must arise again now , if only because people have suggested that in order to improve the education of our children we need to move back to some system of selection ( see for example Whose Schools ?
8 In February 1988 , the Church of the Stork 's Nest , on the corner of Stirbei Voda and Strada Berzei , not far from the shell of the new National History Museum , could be seen moving to a new resting place in order to improve the angle of the street .
9 We are considering many other aspects in order to improve the position of women in the civil service — to make it easier for them to take jobs , leave to have children , and return later .
10 The future of the PCE , which was the main component of the United Left ( IU ) coalition , was similarly subject to debate as some trade unionists and party activists suggested it should be dissolved into the IU at the PCE congress in December , in order to improve the IU 's electoral prospects .
11 The sensitivity and specficity of Helico-G in our study are also comparable with those of another , but it is worth noting that some workers had to modify the manufacturer 's instructions in order to improve the performance of this test .
12 In order to improve the broadcasting system and make it better able to resist political pressure — a prime duty of the libertarian/social responsibility media — they favour a wider range of representation on various broadcasting boards .
13 1991 has seen many changes both external and internal ; some placed upon us by legislative bodies and the fluctuating state of the economy , others initiated from within in order to improve the working environment for all employees .
14 Commitment and firm action are necessary in order to improve the standard of financial accountability in the public sector .
15 A number of factors can be examined in order to improve the chances of sales success in both sales negotiations and pure selling .
16 The reformers , until 1964 mainly outside the House , argued that since the public wished to vote governments in or out of power and since every serious vote had become an issue of confidence , it was no longer possible to restore freer voting in order to improve the independence and power of the House .
17 It also indicates ways in which the landscape can be modified in order to improve the flow of energies and thus the well-being of the inhabitants .
18 These factors have to be considered in order to improve the reliability of serodiagnosis because of the potential advantages of these methods in identifying active H pylori infection .
19 He has clearly lost the battle with the Treasury , he makes the argument , as we expected him to make , that in order to improve the environment , you , you best choose market levers , market mechanisms .
20 Some tracks are only short-cuts where cycles have been directed to former walkways in order to improve the directness of their journeys .
21 Thirdly , quality is only possible where every component of the organisation 's needs is defined and appropriate training procedures are identified and implemented in order to improve the staff selection process .
22 ‘ In the Gwynedd district , we are developing and refurbishing well over 300 km of line per year in order to improve the quality of supply to our customers , and it is essential that our costs are kept to a minimum , ’ said Mr Basford .
23 Devon White , who was signed from Bristol Rovers in order to improve the goal-scoring rate , missed a glorious chance to score after only three minutes on his home debut for Cambridge .
24 Where managers are of limited competence any increases in efficiency are more likely to result from improved resource efficiency , particularly through disposal of under-performing activities or subsidiaries in order to improve the group 's financial profile .
25 In order to improve the efficiency of the Force , most units take part in ‘ cross training ’ during deterrent operations .
26 Therefore , in those cases where land-agents levy heavy penalties for such things as tree planting ( which no engineer or environmentalist would attempt to force upon farmers in places where they would interfere with necessary practical farming ) , the real cost to the public , which is , after all , financing land-drainage schemes in order to improve the productivity of landowners ' fields , is in both money and loss of landscape quality .
27 The only other major commodity which is based on lump sum rates regardless of quantities used , is water and the Water Companies are slowly moving over to a metered system in order to improve the discipline of use .
28 Active and articulate middle-class newcomers have been able to apply considerable pressure to local education authorities in order to improve the standards of rural schools .
29 The School of Church Music was founded in 1927 in order to improve the standards of church choirs , and to establish a college for the study of church music and the training of church musicians .
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