Example sentences of "in [noun sg] to understand [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to understand a word , the reader or hearer must gain access to the semantic information contained in the word 's lexical entry .
2 This perspective states that in order to understand an individual in later life , it is important to know something about his or her past experience .
3 In order to understand the changes which have taken place in the practice relating to family settlements since the Victorian days , a brief description will follow , first of the standard form of eighteenth-century settlement of land , and then an outline of a modern tax-saving settlement .
4 Clearly we need to understand these needs and , in order to do this and in order to understand the responses of animals ( and I include man when I say animals ) to the difficulties that are encountered during life , we have to understand motivational processes .
5 The fabric has to be read with care in order to understand the evolution of the building , which is clearly going to be impossible where churches have plastered interiors or stuccoed exteriors .
6 In order to understand the involvement of the RB tumor suppressor gene in rat carcinogenesis , we have undertaken to isolate and sequence the rat RB cDNA .
7 It is not intended as a comprehensive potted history of the subject ; it is , however , important to have a historical perspective , particularly on the relationship between social and political change , in order to understand the character of British social policy today .
8 In order to understand the way organisations operate , it is useful to understand a number of the key concepts underlying the structure .
9 I must emphasise , however , that poor welfare and suffering are not exactly synonymous ; it is important , I think , to distinguish them in order to understand the concept .
10 In order to understand the state , we need , in accordance with the resolutio-compositive method , first to consider the parts out of which it comes into being .
11 Active listening means paying attention to the tone of voice , body language and facial expression of the speaker in order to understand the thoughts and feelings behind the words .
12 In order to understand the genesis of this new cultural form , we must examine some other forces of cultural extension and elevation which provided its preconditions .
13 In this paper we examine bleomycin cleavage of a series of cloned synthetic DNA fragments , containing regions of ( AT ) n as well as other repetitive sequences , in order to understand the origin of its cleavage specificity .
14 ‘ Difficulty in breathing ’ : The tutor and learners decide what they need to know in order to understand the problem and provide nursing care .
15 But in order to understand the problems faced in accounting theory students must often look to the literature on business organizations and apply it to the public sector context , albeit with great caution and common sense .
16 In order to understand the history of capitalist societies one must look not just to their structures , but also to the balance of power between classes and the way this power is exercised .
17 For example , in order to understand the history of physics , we have to know the concept or problematic of physics in order to establish what an event in physics consists of .
18 In order to understand the history of so-called standard English pronunciation , therefore , we need to assume — paradoxically — that there is no such thing .
19 In order to understand the significance of the anthropological work they used , therefore , we must ask , what was the role of this work in the wider context of their writings and politics ?
20 In order to understand the workings of ecclesiastical power , it is necessary to consider it in context , or rather in two contexts ; the relations of a bishop with the king and with the leading figures of the diocese .
21 In order to understand the press reporting of rape trials we need to concentrate on the few cases which got enormous publicity in 1985 .
22 In order to understand the limitations of law as an instrument to the family arena , and the rise of discretion , one must have theoretical or abstract perspectives not only on law but also on the family in its present social context .
23 These and other differences must all be considered in order to understand the landforms produced by the various types of climate .
24 It follows that in order to understand the efficacy of political parties or the ways in which political forms relate to everyday experience , account must be taken of the appropriate political discourses .
25 Disease of and damage to the macula , the central area of the retina used to discriminate fine detail , can give rise to these effects and precise information about the child 's eye condition is needed in order to understand the reason for these apparent anomalies .
26 In order to understand the nature of the changes that are taking place following the Education Reform Act 1988 , and in particular the changing role of the local education authority , it is important to reflect briefly on the nature of relationships which have been established over many years .
27 In order to understand the nature of the rural housing question , it is perhaps best to examine some of the features that are specific to each tenure , although it is always necessary to be aware of the many interlinkages among all tenures in the housing market , which can in some ways render this an artificial exercise .
28 In order to understand the nature of the application it is necessary first to consider the plaintiffs ' claim against the third defendant .
29 Some knowledge of this topic is essential in order to understand the nature of the rights conferred on a secured charge holder , the priorities of charges , and the system for the registration of company charges .
30 In order to understand the force of this social norm , it is necessary to look beyond social presentation .
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