Example sentences of "in [noun sg] to keep the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It does contain very definite geometric shapes that need to be knitted in proportion to keep the pattern correct .
2 Work steadily , cutting small amounts off each side in turn to keep the symmetry .
3 In order to keep the sea out we have to build a wall , but a promenade will be constructed above road level and people will be able to look over the wave wall . ’
4 The elder child may be made to give way to the demands of the younger one in order to keep the peace .
5 Around the middle of 1969 I had been asked by the Jockey Club whether I would join the board of United Racecourses , for one reason and one reason only : in order to keep the peace between the Jockey Club and Lord Wigg .
6 He looked resentful and slightly embarrassed , like an elderly relative who had grudgingly agreed to pose in order to keep the peace at a Christmas party .
7 Owen was a staunch supporter of Cuvier 's views on discontinuity , and he successfully emphasized the milk glands at the expense of the egg-laying in order to keep the platypus firmly within the mammals .
8 In order to keep the level of inflation down , will he have a look at what is happening with the six major grocery chains , the increased share of the margins that they are getting and the fact that their margins are now twice the level found in the major grocery chains throughout Europe ?
9 It requires the Local Authority to seek alternatives in order to keep the child in the family , rather than legal routes for admitting children to care .
10 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
11 It gives you a break from purely business discussions in order to keep the tone of the meeting relaxed and friendly .
12 With all the draughts that bring cold air in blocked off you now need to insulate in order to keep the warmth in .
13 It had been a deliberate ploy to record the bulk of the tracks in Liverpool in order to keep The Smiths away well and truly away from the metropolis of London .
14 And I think there are a lot of questions that need to be asked — has there been , er have , have corners been cut in order to keep the cost down , were we getting a good quality service or just a cheap service ?
15 The roof structure provides the base to which insulating and roof covering materials can be attached in order to keep the building weathertight .
16 In order to keep the diagram simple only data for the most central twenty boys are included .
17 In addition to the obvious costs of hardware/software , greater disciplines would have to be imposed on all users of the filing systems in order to keep the computer record up to date ; for example , all movements of files in and out from their home base would have to be logged by the user , including branch officers who have direct access to outposted files .
18 Mr Wheeler , an engineer who worked for many years in the oil business , is a pleasant , slightly worried-looking man who can not bear the fact that no one seems to realise just what lengths he goes to in order to keep the plant squeaky clean and emission-free .
19 For NME 's part we offer a celebratory discography , though the many US and Euro Sonic offerings have been omitted in order to keep the listing within the bounds of reason .
20 France was to struggle badly and by 1954 , the US was paying 80% of France 's costs for the conflict in order to keep the French in there , knowing that France would withdraw its colonials if things got tricky , leaving an administrative void .
21 In order to keep the example simple , assume that the gymnasium was built and paid for in cash within a year .
22 Unless you absolutely hate cooking , or are just too busy , it is preferable that you experiment with some of the recipes in order to keep the diet interesting .
23 Unless you absolutely hat cooking it is advisable to experiment with some of the recipes in order to keep the diet interesting .
24 They are synergistic , which means they rely on each other in order to keep the body functioning at an optimum level .
25 We are aware of this calorie usage as production of heat by the body — in order to keep the body at 37 degrees C , our normal temperature , a certain amount of energy is required , and this requires some 80 per cent of our calorie intake .
26 All urban groups contrive in maintaining cheap food prices-as well as international capital and contractors who have interests in copper mining in Zambia ( in order to keep the pressure of union militancy for higher wages from squeezing profits ) .
27 I have to show some finished work in order to keep the department happy . ’
28 The traditional rectangular tank will not distort the appearance of the fish and you wo n't have to keep shifting your position in order to keep the fish in view .
29 First , the Bank may , in each of the 9.45 a.m. , midday and 2.00 p.m. rounds of assistance decline to buy the amount of bills offered by the discount houses in order to keep the market short and sustain short term interest rates at a relatively high level .
30 A master of ceremonies is needed to dispatch successive pairs of defendants out of the room , in order to keep the game going continuously .
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